New Lankan Envoy to US presents credentials to Obama

Wednesday, 16 July 2014 00:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • New SL Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam  conveys ‘warm greetings of the resident and people of Sri Lanka’ to US President and family
Sri Lanka’s new Ambassador to the United States, career diplomat Prasad Kariyawasam presented his credentials before US President Barack Obama in Washington DC on Monday (14) afternoon. Ambassador Kariyawasam presented his credentials at the Oval Office of the White House, the Sri Lankan Embassy to the United States said on its official website. Signing the White House Guest Book before the commencement of the Credentials Ceremony, Ambassador Kariyawasam wrote: “I bring warm greetings of the President and people of Sri Lanka to you Mr. President, Mrs. Michelle Obama, Sasha and Malia. Having enjoyed democratic traditions without interruption since 1931, Sri Lanka is South Asia’s oldest democracy and we value your friendship and support for our nation’s progress.” On its official website, the Sri Lanka Embassy in Washington DC said that President Obama had welcomed Ambassador Kariyawasam and accepted him formally as Sri Lanka’s new envoy to the United States. “Reciprocating greetings to President Rajapaksa, President Obama wished Ambassador Kariyawasam success in conducting responsibilities and in his determination to promote bilateral relationship with a renewed vigour,” the Sri Lankan Embassy said. Following the tradition of exchanging written remarks, President Obama and Ambassador Kariyawasam expressed sentiments that reflect the long standing relations between Sri Lanka and the United States and commitment to strengthen bilateral relations, the Embassy said in its statement.