NSBM Green University Town to offer one-of-a-kind university experience

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Taking Sri Lanka’s education sphere to greater heights, the National School of Business Management (NSBM) Green University Town, first of its kind in South Asia, will soon open its doors for the benefit of all Sri Lankans.

This state-of-the-art university is spread over an area of 26 acres and has been designed to provide an all-round fully-fledged university experience of international caliber which also has the ability to house 30,000 undergraduates at a given time. The university comprises of three faculties namely Business, IT and Engineering; each equipped with spacious and modern lecture halls in order boost and enhance the intellect of each student. All faculties will also have access to a high tech computer lab and the totally automated Green University library which is one of the largest libraries in the country in terms of its variety, as it also provides access to e-libraries around the world.

Commenting on the success of this initiative, Dr. E. A. Weerasinghe, Vice Chancellor of NSBM said: “Having realised that a proper higher education is both a right and a privileged, we were driven to address a national issue of the country not been able to accommodate all the students who qualify for a higher education qualification. The NSBM Green University Town was initiated with the sole objective of providing a worldly-exposure to the university experience as we believe that we will have a greater return in investing in a child’s education.”

Life at NSBM Green University will travel beyond the class room, as the university comprises of all features needed for sports, and recreational activities, including playgrounds, a fully equipped gymnasium a swimming pool as well as a student center and the contemporary auditorium, along with the open air theater which will boost up the undergraduates’ creative talent and make up for a society of well-rounded individuals. Moreover, the campus is also equipped with all necessary facilities to provide student and staff accommodation as well as shopping malls, banks and supermarkets which will definitely be a new experience to the Sri Lankan University community.

Dr. Weerasinghe added, “It is very important to note that all activities of the NSBM Green University Town have been designed to be conducted in an environmental friendly manner and we have included Green initiatives for sustainability in the syllabus and curriculum. Apart from the education, we will also focus on grooming the student’s potential and personality through practical knowledge. Children will one day have to lead an individual life therefore this experience is vital as they will learn to be independent.”

The second biggest impact of this prestigious university will be on the national economy as many students who opt to go abroad to follow their higher education will now have the opportunity to do so within Sri Lanka thus enabling them to save the large amounts spent towards foreign education. This will also benefit students who lost the opportunity to join a state university to continue their higher studies within a bearable cost. The Green University Town will also host a number of foreign students making the country earn foreign currency and will also greatly benefit the tourism industry.