CIOB awards Green Mark certification to South Asia’s first-ever Green University

Friday, 30 December 2016 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

12NSBM Green University Town

As the premier professional body which promotes Green constructions, The Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB), presented the coveted CIOB Green Mark award certification and plaque to NSBM University, the first-ever Green University in the whole of South Asia. 

In adherence to the specifications of the government-owned Building and Construction Authority of Singapore, The Ceylon Institute of Builders honoured NSBM University situated at Homagama with this prestigious Green Mark certification. President Maithripala Sirisena recently presented the CIOB Green Mark certificate to NSBM University – appraising and endorsing it as a Green University Town – at a ceremony in the presence of The Ceylon Institute of Builders President Dr. Rohan Karunaratne.

Expressing his views on this initiative, Dr. Karunaratne said: “In the building industry, the latest innovative trend in the world is the construction of Green buildings also known as Green constructions or sustainable buildings. There is a multitude of benefits in Green constructions. Amongst the key inherent advantages of Green buildings are established to a longer life cycle, environmental friendly, conserve energy and directly benefits to human health, while improving productivity of the occupants. It is because of the wide ranging plus factors that the Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB) works vigorously towards the expansion of Green constructions in Sri Lanka. 

“The CIOB has initiated a series of programs to achieve the objective of more Green buildings. One of the key tasks in this process involves the inspection of large-scale Green constructions in terms of compliance with accepted international standards and norms and awarding quality certification to those within the range of these global specifications. They are presented with the locally and internationally accepted CIOB Green Mark certificate. We obtain the technical support of the Singapore Government’s Building and Construction Authority, for this purpose. 

“The Ceylon Institute of Builders has already awarded the Green Mark certification to many leading Green buildings in the country. In the NSBM Green University inaugurated recently, all aspects of construction have been done completely in adherence to Green specifications. We awarded the CIOB Green Mark certificate to this building complex after an inspection in terms of global benchmark quality standards. The NSBM University in Sri Lanka is the first-ever Green University in the whole of South Asia. This institution is owned by the Sri Lankan Government. 

“As the premier body which awards Green Mark certification, we are happy that the NSBM University is a Green building complex and that CIOB as a leading Green Building accreditor in Sri Lanka, was able to recognise and honour this University Town.”