DFCC Bank supports industrial excellence by partnering CNCI Achiever Awards 2020

Saturday, 17 April 2021 00:04 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Joins as Principal Sponsor and Official Banking Partner

 DFCC Bank Director/CEO Lakshman Silva addressing the event


DFCC Bank PLC, the ‘Bank for Everyone’, stepped up once again for the third consecutive year to partner with the Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (CNCI) as the principal sponsor and official banking partner of the CNCI Achiever Awards 2020. 

The CNCI Achiever Awards was held for the 19th consecutive time to recognise the outstanding efforts of exceptional performers who have molded their respective industries with innovative solutions, while overcoming challenges and meeting the demands of their clientele. This year, the event was recently held under strict health guidelines at the Galadari Hotel in Colombo. 

Commenting on the sponsorship, DFCC Bank PLC Chief Executive Officer Lakshman Silva stated, “We are pleased to have partnered with the Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (CNCI), as the Main Sponsor and Official Banking Partner of the 19th CNCI Achiever Awards 2020. DFCC is honored to partner in reconciling successful Sri Lankan businesses from various industrial sectors. Our partnership with this prestigious awards program aligns seamlessly with our commitment to foster and reward industrial growth across the country and support local entrepreneurs in MSME & SME sectors.”

As DFCC Bank is also preferred financier of SMEs in Sri Lanka with concessionary credit schemes and guidance provided to them, this continued year on year sponsorship is one that fits well into the bank’s market positioning. The Bank has been able to systematically introduce various products and services to specifically cater to the timely requirements of SMEs with terms loans, working capital loans, business loans, bank guarantees, leasing facilities, trade finance, credit lines as well as consultancy, workshops and advisory services.

The CNCI Achiever Awards recognises and honours diverse businesses for their service efforts and commitment to excellence based on their quality standards, productivity, corporate plan, research and development, employee benefits and labour relations, etc. This year too, the awards were presented to all three categories of services and industrial organisations in Sri Lanka.


A special memento was presented to DFCC Bank Director/CEO Lakshman Silva by State Minister of Money and Capital Market and State Enterprise Reforms Ajith Nivard Cabraal in recognition of DFCC Bank’s contribution towards the industrial sector as the Principal Sponsor and Official Banking Partner