Digital platform for farmers to be implemented

Saturday, 25 April 2020 00:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A team of engineers has developed a digital platform for Mahaweli farmers. This application has an interface with the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (MASL), where all the input details will be updated at the MASL end. The app consists of two main buttons - ‘Selling’ and ‘Production Details’. Through the ‘selling’ facility, a farmer can present their item for sale, indicating product type, quantity, contact number, as well as location on the Google maps. The ‘production details’ button meanwhile will allow farmers to present their future production estimates by indicating product type, cultivated plot area, expected yield, and timing. This information is vital in aiding MASL calculate the future yield along with the product type, something which is a key facet of the government decision making process.  The development of this digital platform was initiated by Eng. M. G. Hemachandra, a Senior Project specialist at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and Hon. Treasurer of Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka. The knowledge gained from previews JICA projects such as PEACE, ICIM, and SouthCAP, were also utilised. Eng. Dr. Ranil Sugathadasa, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Transport & Logistics Management in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Moratuwa, and Eng. Mahinda Senarath, the General Manager at Laugfs Power, also contributed to the project.

Eng. Dr. Pradeep Kumara Wijesekara Abeygunawardhana, who heads the Department of Computer Systems Engineering at the SLIIT Malabe Campus lead the software development alongside  Eng. P. H. Tharindu Dharmasena, Eng. P. H. Ravindu Dharmasena and Eng. Nisal Shehan. 

The developed solution was presented to the Director General of MASL on 23 April 2020. It was decided that app would be implemented within two weeks of the pilot run.

 Further improvements are expected to be made to this digital platform following the implementation period, with Unit Managers of MASL expected to implement it. 

This application will also be developed in the areas of water management and fertiliser allocation, taking into account the knowledge the land characteristics of the farming land; subsidy allocation; farmers› income level; connecting with field officers; regulating the market price with annual price reviews; analysis for wastage control; and continuous quality improvement of product and value addition for the product etc., in the agriculture value chain.