FCCISL set for 24th Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

Friday, 5 February 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

FCCISL announced that grand finale of Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2019 will be held on 4 March at the BMICH (Main Hall) from 3 to 6 p.m. subject to health regulations of Ministry of Health. 

In the past, this event has helped many of our Sri Lankan entrepreneurs reach global standards in terms of productivity and value creation. It also acts as a motivational tool and creates a high degree of enthusiasm among all the participating organisations. The previous award ceremony was attended by well over 1000 participants which included dignitaries such as the Prime Minister, several cabinet ministers, members of the diplomatic community, top Government officials, and renowned and well-established entrepreneurs from all parts of the country. 

Speaking about this grand event, Organising Committee Chairman/Secretary General Ajith D. Perera  said the global unprecedented issue of COVID-19 created a severe setback for Sri Lankan businesses in the early part of the year 2020 and now it is the time to provide a kick-start for these businesses. “We are of the view that one way of reviving the businesses is to recognise their past performances in an appropriate manner.”

The theme of this year event will be ‘Innovation and Productivity for Sustainable Growth,’ he added.