PR Wire partners leading Social Innovator EarthTech

Monday, 5 October 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

EarthTech Co-Founder Ant Moorhouse (left) and PR Wire Sri Lanka Founder Chairman Ashan Kumar

  • Together in Action global initiative opens funding for impact-driven Sri Lanka enterprises 

Leading social innovator EarthTech is launching ‘Together in Action’ (TiA) to help bring people together and make progress towards the Global Goals. 

PR Wire, the exclusive Sri Lankan affiliate of the world’s largest PR firm Edelman, will partner in this impactful initiative in its efforts to help make a difference to people and the planet.

The initiative comes with world last week celebrating the United Nations’ 75th anniversary, and coming together to discuss how to respond and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Budding Sri Lankan entrepreneurs and startups are encouraged to “unite for Global Action” and pitch their innovations in front of some of the world’s leading organisations and investors. 

TiA is a unique program designed to identify, support and scale top innovations that focus on addressing the 17 Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). It is a call-out to social entrepreneurs across the world to submit their sustainable business ideas, and get connected with an influential network of judges, organisations, industry experts, and impact investors.

EarthTech co-Founder Ant Moorhouse, says TiA will bring together the key players of the social enterprise ecosystem – the brightest innovators, leading organisations, impact investors and purpose-driven individuals – to tackle existential threats head on. This powerful combination of people and resources will accelerate cohesive action towards the SDGs. 

“We had more than 855 team submissions from 73 countries register in our pilot program. The solutions are obviously out there, the ambition is high, and there is a collective pool of energy, knowledge and skills that needs to be harnessed. We knew the next time we did this, we also needed to gather influential organisations, professionals and investors to further the reach and impact,” Moorhouse said.

TiA culminates in an online Global Impact Summit that will be held on 18-19 November, and will explore key themes across two days. 18 November will feature a public summit, showcasing inspiring thought leadership about the Global Goals, robust panel discussions, and exciting announcements of the social entrepreneur finalists. 19 November will explore the emerging world of sustainable capital, social enterprise finance, and impact investment. 

Impact Investor, Purpose Lead and PR Wire Founder Chairman Ashan Kumar said: “EarthTech and PR Wire intend to collaborate and build an ecosystem of social entrepreneurs through identification, supportive and scaling mechanisms to produce impact-driven businesses. Through the partnership, EarthTech and PR Wire will leverage their resources and expertise to identify and support entrepreneurs in areas of mutual strategic interest with a particular focus on youth-led impact enterprises aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. PR Wire believes in impact and purpose driven business results while strongly advocating sustainability. We are extremely delighted to partner with Together in Action Impact Summit which addresses a critical dimension at global scale.”

PR Wire’s impact relations operation, ‘PR Wire Impact,’ will be spearheading the project in Sri Lanka under the leadership of PR Wire Business, Strategy and Impact Relations Director Krishanthi Dhayalan. Placements are now open for Sri Lankan startups to join the summit. To register for this world-class event head to More information on the platform can be obtained by mailing to [email protected]. Submissions close on the 30 October.

PR Wire is the exclusive Sri Lankan affiliate of Edelman, the world’s largest PR firm. Celebrating its first decade of operations this year, the strategic public relations consultancy also clinched the runner-up award from New York based Provoke Media’s (earlier Holmes Report) “Best Agencies to Work For In Asia-Pacific” in August, and the Gold award at the PR World Awards in 2017 and 2019. The Wire Communications Consultancy group supports the largest client base in Sri Lanka in strategic communications, and directly engages market enterprises of all scales – micro, small, medium and large – both locally and globally.