Sri Lanka Tourism backs hike in tour guide fees from 2021

Tuesday, 12 May 2020 00:22 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lanka Tourism yesterday justified the request to increase fees by tour guides from April 2021.

“This need to increase fees has been longstanding. The last revision of Rs. 300 was way back in 2017,” Sri Lanka Tourism Chairperson Kimarli Fernando said.

According to her, the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) is authorised to increase fees for tourist guides as per the Act and the Sri Lanka Association of Tour Operators (SLAITO) is represented on the SLTDA Board.

She was responding to an article in the Daily FT last Friday, where the SLAITO Chairman expressed concerns that they could not afford to pay the requested increment of $ 35 per day to tour guides citing financial setbacks following the Easter Sunday attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic.

At present, the tour guides get a minimum of Rs. 2,500 per day, in addition to meals and accommodation while they are on tour. Depending on the language skills and categories specialised, the tour guide fee can be higher than Rs. 2,500.

The Daily FT learns that industry is likely to reach a compromise on the matter.