‘Trade Unions to Protect the ECT’ make representations to clergy against deal with India

Friday, 29 January 2021 02:10 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


  • Labour groups claim Chief Prelates expressed disappointment over Govt. allowing foreign entities to acquire country’s resources
  • Clergy assures unions their concerns will be conveyed to President Rajapaksa
  • As initial protest move, trade unions to picket today during lunch hour against the proposal to grant 49% stake of ECT to Indian company
  • Claim Govt. in a hurry to seal the deal at Cabinet meeting on Monday
  • SLPA Chief says unaware of protest, unions says notified on Wednesday

By Charumini de Silva

Trade Unions attached to the Colombo Port yesterday made representation to the clergy on the dangers of the proposed joint venture with India to develop the East Container Terminal (ECT).

All key members of the “Trade Unions to Protect the ECT” yesterday made representation to the Maha Nayaka Theros of Asgiriya Malwatta Chapters as well as the Chief Incumbent of the Gatambe Rajopavanarama Viharaya on the Government’s proposal to develop and grant 49% of the stake of the ECT to Indian-based Adani Group.  

“Venerable Mahanayaka of the Asgiriya Chapter Warakagoda Sri Gnanarathana Thero, Venerable Anu Nayaka of the Malwathu Chapter Niyangoda Vijithasiri Thero and Gatambe Rajopavanarama Viharaya Chief incumbent Venerable Kappetiyagoda Siriwimala Thero were enlightened on the discussions we had so far with the Government and the risk of getting into this joint venture with India,” members of the Trade Unions to Protect the ECT told the Daily FT.

“All three Chief Prelates expressed their disappointment and disapproval to the proposal while criticising the Government over attempts that are allowing foreign entities to acquire the country’s resources. The clergy assured to convey their advice to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in the immediate future,” the trade union members added.

Trade Unions to Protect the ECT will start a protest today (29) during lunch hours and decide on the gamut of their action, supported by 23 trade unions in the port. Around 98% of the total workers of Colombo have committed to support in their trade union action today, considering it as a national responsibility.

“We start this trade union action as we have received information that the Cabinet Sub-Committee appointed on ECT will meet today to submit their recommendations which can be resulted as a Cabinet decision on Monday (1). We still have not decided if this is going to be a work-to-rule or a full-scale trade union action. It will be decided today,” All Ceylon General Port Employees› Union Chief Secretary Niroshan Gorakanage told the Daily FT.

He expressed disappointment with all the discussion the trade unions had with the Government and said that this is the last chance for them to retain ECT for Sri Lanka and for its future. 

“The ETC is in its last gasp. Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) has a sound income to develop and retain 100% of ETC’s operation. We will not give up on our fight to preserve the only commercially viable port in this country,” Gorakanage stressed.

SLFP-linked Nidahas Sevaka Sangamaya President Prasanna Kalutarage said they will take up stern trade union actions that will affect the administration of the SLPA and reconsider their decision on the ECT.

They hope the protest which has been commenced islandwide through different trade unions will be a major success.

SLPA Chairman Major General (Retd.) Daya Ratnayake when contacted, told the Daily FT that the trade union action has not yet been communicated to the management. 

“They haven’t indicated it to us, once it’s on we will talk to them,” he added.

However, Trade Unions to Protect the ECT said that the administration has been notified on Wednesday regarding the protest today.