8th annual ‘ICT Open Forum with Regulators’ hosted by FITIS

Tuesday, 16 March 2021 00:06 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

From left: A.M. Nafeel, Dr. Kapila Senanayake, D. Kumaratunga, Mahinda Herath, Helasiri Ranatunga, Samantha Karunarathne, Brigadier Ajith Wickramasekera, I.A.M. Arthanayake and D.A.D.T.D. Pragnarathne


The global Information and Communications Technology (ICT) market is thriving according to new report: ‘Opportunities Rise for Stakeholders by 2026’. Today, the ICT sector is the fourth largest export contributor to the economy of Sri Lanka with an export value of over $ 100 million in 2019. As opposed to a decade ago, the ICT sector contribution has impressively reached its greater potentials and much more to offer for the national development. 

The Federation of IT industry Sri Lanka (FITIS), the torch bearer to represent all major segments within its fraternity, recently hosted its 8th annual ‘ICT Open Forum with Regulators’, hosting its virtual platform for nine associated regulators this year. 

Joining the discussion were: Sri Lanka Customs Additional Director General I.A.M. Arthnayake, Superintendent of Customs D.A.D.T.D. Pragnarathne, Ministry of Finance Director Fiscal Policy Dr. Kapila Senanayake, ICTA Chief Executive Officer Mahinda Herath, Central Bank of Sri Lanka Payment and Settlements Department Director D. Kumaratunga, Ministry of Defence Communication Advisor (Technical) Brigadier Ajith Wickramasekera, Department of Inland Revenue Commissioner (Tax Policy) A.M. Nafeel, TRCSL Director/Network Helasiri Ranatunga, Consumer Affairs Authority Director Competition Promotion Samantha Karunaratne, and FITIS Hardware Chapter Secretary Shanaka Fernando moderated the session.

Welcoming the esteemed panel and its industry participants FITIS Chairman Abbas Kamrudeen reinstated the important role the annual event played in helping the Federation and its fraternity to reach its key vertices of helping Sri Lanka becoming a thriving digital economy. 

Many strategic concessions including concessions related to taxation and procurement was introduced to the ICT Sector under the current regime to help boost the development of the ICT sector, to help Sri Lanka progress from the ‘new normal’ to its envisioned ‘new future’: ‘A technology-based society and a smart nation’. 

FITIS President Hardware Chapter Prabath Wickramarachchi commented, “The discussion was well-received by its participants and the regulators to help bridge the knowledge between both parties in relation to discussing current and emerging opportunities to help best fit the market context and issues and key challenges related to ICT industry, particularly the hardware chapter with a view of improving the ‘Ease of Doing Business’. 

“A lot more catching up is to be done in Sri Lanka to improve its computer literacy (31%), digital literacy (46%) and other macro-economic indicators such as ‘household with internet (30%)’ and household with email (12%) as stated by the regulator. The Hardware Chapter could play a leading role to help Sri Lanka improve the domestic productions as well the regulators to support through policy and direction to help attract more Foreign Direct Investors (FDIs).” 

FITIS Hardware Chapter Vice President S. Gnanam delivered the concluding remarks thanking the distinguished panellists, ExCo members, partners, sponsoring organisations and well-wishers for its successful event which the chapter looks forward to re-organising in the coming year as well.