Alfa electric bikes for blue green and sustainable era

Thursday, 4 January 2018 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Vindy Trading Ltd, the sole distributor of Alfa Electric Bikes in Sri Lanka since 2006 and the pioneer of electrically-powered scooters and bikes, has welcomed the Government’s decision to promote etransportation.

The company said it supports the leaner and greener Budget that the current Government has set in motion. 

“The present Government has voiced its vision towards making Sri Lanka a leading user of electric powered transportation by 2040. To this extent, the Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera has said that all Government-used vehicles will be converted to hybrid or electric vehicles by 2025. 

Furthermore, incentive structures will be devised to encourage the use of alternatively powered vehicles amongst the population whilst stronger taxation will be imposed on fossil fuel-powered vehicles in hopes of discouraging their use within the population,” Vindy Trading said.

The company promotes products ranging from scooter models to motorcycle models, having running distances from 70 km to 180 km, speeds from 55 kmph to 110 kmph with one to two units of domestic electricity per full charge, these high quality unique designs come with tubeless tyres, LED lights, LCD display, hydraulic brakes, keyless entry and many more functions that are covered with a warranty period of two years. Its range is available through island-wide distributors and at a main showroom situated in No. 20, Borella Cross Road, Colombo 8.