COVID-19 count rises to 3,324 with 11 new patients

Thursday, 24 September 2020 04:18 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • 11 new patients identified yesterday
  • 182 persons under medical care
  • Recoveries rise to 3,129
  • Over 7,100 persons currently undergoing quarantine

By Shailendree Wickrama Adittiya

Eleven overseas arrivals tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday and the total case count has increased to 3,324.

These 11 include one crew member from the Russian Airline, seven returnees from the UAE, one from Ethiopia, and two from the US. According to the Epidemiology Unit, the number of imported cases is 1,399, of which 57 are foreigners. The case count includes 13 overseas arrivals who tested positive on Tuesday. In terms of local cases, the number of COVID-19 patients identified among Navy personnel and their close contacts remains unchanged at 950. However, the Kandakadu cluster increased to 651 with the identification of one patient yesterday.

The Epidemiology Unit adds that the number of active cases is currently 182. This includes 62 persons at the Welikanda Base Hospital and 51 persons at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID). Hospitals are also monitoring 52 persons suspected of having COVID-19.

The number of COVID-19 recoveries rose to 3,129 yesterday. The Epidemiology Unit states that 11 persons, including one foreigner, were discharged during the 24-hour period ending at 10 a.m. yesterday having recovered from the virus. Of the recoveries, seven persons were discharged from the NIID, two persons were discharged from the Welikanda Base Hospital, and two persons were discharged from the Iranawila Hospital.

Meanwhile, the National Operation Centre for the Prevention of the COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) stated that 162 persons left quarantine centers yesterday having completed the process. A total of 43,895 persons have left quarantine centers to date and 7,120 persons are currently undergoing quarantine at 68 centers managed by the Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Navy, and Sri Lanka Air Force.

The NOCPCO added that 42 persons from Qatar and one person from India arrived in the island yesterday and have been directed to quarantine centers.