One new patient tests positive for COVID-19

Tuesday, 7 July 2020 01:19 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Total COVID-19 cases increase to 2,077
  • Total recoveries rise to 1,917
  • Number of active patients drops to 149
  • 230 Sri Lankans return from Jorden

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 patients in the country increased to 2,077, with one new patient identified yesterday.

According to the Epidemiology Unit, 948 of the total confirmed cases are Navy personnel and their close contacts, while 785 are Sri Lankan returnees from abroad and 30 are foreigners. The Epidemiology Unit also states that 904 Navy personnel and 740 overseas arrivals at quarantine centres have tested positive.

14 persons recovered from COVID-19 in the 24-hour period ending at 10 a.m. yesterday, including seven from the Welikanda Base Hospital, five from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), and two from the Kattankudy Base Hospital.

As of now, 1,917 persons have recovered in Sri Lanka and this includes 885 recoveries among infected Navy personnel. The Sri Lanka Navy yesterday stated that all Navy personnel discharged from hospitals, including two discharged on Sunday, will be required to complete 14 days in quarantine.

With these recoveries, the total number of patients receiving treatment has dropped to 149. This includes 38 at the Welikanda Base Hospital, 37 at the Kattankudy Base Hospital, 22 at the Homagama Base Hospital, 19 at the Minuwangoda Base Hospital, 14 at the NIID, eight at the Iranawila Hospital, five at the Panagoda Army Hospital, three at the Kamburugamuwa District General Hospital, and two at the Teldeniya Base Hospital.

Of the total active cases, 24 are foreigners. In addition to this, 43 suspect patients are currently under observation at various hospitals in the country.

According to the Health Promotion Bureau, 113,475 PCR tests have been carried out so far, including 599 on Sunday. This is the lowest number of PCR tests conducted in a day since 18 April.

The Defence Ministry yesterday stated that a group of 230 Sri Lankans returned to the island from Jordan yesterday morning. All returnees were directed to quarantine centres after being subjected to PCR tests.

With COVID-19 containment measures in mind, the Health and Indigenous Medical Services Ministry yesterday issued an update on the maximum number of participants at weddings. The Ministry stated that this number should be limited to 50% of the seating capacity of the venue, with the maximum number being 300 persons. This includes the bridal group, band members, and performing artistes.

While all other guidelines for weddings in hotels and reception halls apply, the Ministry also specified that physical distancing of at least 1 m must be maintain between all individuals.