SLFP will rule country after presidential polls: Governor Muzammil

Monday, 30 September 2019 00:33 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Western Province Governor A.J.M. Muzammil predicted on Friday that a member from the prestigious Sri Lankan Freedom Party (SLFP) will take over the country following the presidential polls.

The Governor was speaking at the commemoration ceremony of the SLFP founder, the late S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, at the BMICH on Friday. 

The event was also dedicated to paying respects to the late Sirimavo Bandaranaike, wife of the late S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, and her son late Anura Bandaranaike.

“As a former member of the United National Party (UNP), I feel honoured to speak about the political career of the late Bandaranaike who had rendered yeoman services to humanity.”

Describing the SLFP as a powerful political party, Muzammil said that, as in 2015, a leader from the same party will win the forthcoming presidential elections to rule the country,

Senior SLFP members such as Party Secretary General Dayasiri Jayasekera, Nimal Siripala De Silva. Communist Party Leader Dew Gunasekera and Governor of the Northern Province Dr. Suren Raghavan were also present at the event.