Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka convenes Commemoration Seminar of the 70th Anniversary

Saturday, 29 August 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression 

1Chinese Ambassador   Yi Xianliang


Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka convened Commemoration Seminar of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression 

On August 27, the Embassy of China held the Commemoration Seminar of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in BMICH along with the Chinese Culture Center in Sri Lanka, Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Sri Lanka Overseas Chinese Association. Well-known Scholars from Sri Lankan think tanks, representatives from Sri Lanka-China friendship organizations and some representatives from the Chinese side attended the seminar.

Chinese AmbassadorYi Xianliang delivered the keynote speech. He recalled the history of the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and elaborated the essential contribution made by China to the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War. Ambassador Yi conveyed sincere gratitude to other countries’ assistance during the war time and spoke highly of the Sri Lankan people’s important contribution to the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War.

Ambassador Yi further pointed out that by organizing such seminar, we made commemoration to remember the history, honor the martyrs, cherish the peace and open up to the future. He stressed that this seminar was not targeted against any specific country, and not targeted against today’s Japan or the Japanese people, but we have to maintain high level of vigilance against the efforts of right wing elements of Japan to revive militarism. The Chinese culture is also inherited with a tradition of forgiveness, while our forgiveness is principled. The war criminals should be strongly condemned. If the lesson of war could be forgotten, the disaster of war might be repeated.  

Ambassador Yi congratulated the forming of the new government of Sri Lanka and stressed that, as sincere friends and important partners, China and Sri Lanka should strengthen the strategic cooperative partnership, so as to bring tangible benefits to the two peoples and make larger contribution to the peace and prosperity of mankind.

Some Sri Lankan scholars, representatives of friendship associations, Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka as well as overseas Chinese also spoke at this seminar. They strongly condemned the atrocities committed by Japanese militarism, valued highly of the huge contribution made by China to the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, highlighted China’s leading role in promoting world peace and development, and looked forward to further strengthening friendship and all dimensional cooperation between the two countries.