11th Power Sri Lanka 2013 International Expo opens

Friday, 14 June 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  •  Comprehensive display of power generation and transmission, PV power, energy and renewable energy products

CEMS Global Conference and Exhibition Management Services Ltd., USA and CEMS Lanka  recently opened the 11th  Power Sri Lanka 2013 International Expo’ which will focus on the development of power generation and transmission, alternative power, solar power, energy and renewable energy sectors at the Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Centre (SLECC), Colombo, Sri Lanka.

On until 15 June from 10.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. the venue will also hold concurrent exhibitions: Renewable Energy Sri Lanka 2013 Int’l Expo, Solar Sri Lanka 2013 Expo and the E-Power Sri Lanka 2013 Int’l Expo, focusing on electric power equipment and technology.

With these exhibitions, it will be one comprehensive exhibition focused not only to the entire power and energy sector of Sri Lanka but will also cater to the needs of power and energy for the entire industry sector of the country. The co-partners of the exhibition are Power Lanka Ltd. and Orange Electric. CEMS Global’s ‘Power Series of Exhibitions’ is an international branded series focused in South and South-East Asia and is held annually in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

This exhibition brings together under one roof all stakeholders in the power and energy industry under one B2B platform and a significant leap can be taken in Sri Lanka’s power and energy sector by close interaction between the exhibitors from over 10 countries and the local entrepreneurs leading to successful partnerships and joint- ventures to accomplish the Government’s vision of fulfilment of people’s aspirations and successfully facing the challenges of the sector. With the ever-growing power and energy needs of Sri Lanka thus creating a need to explore newer opportunities in the power, energy, PV (Photo Voltaic) and renewable energy sectors of Sri Lanka, the 11th Power Sri Lanka 2013 International Expo will be the perfect B2B platform for the entire power and energy industry of Sri Lanka including Sri Lankan industry stakeholders who will attend and get the opportunity to see the latest technologies and innovations in the power generation and energy sector thus delivering a great networking opportunity.  The 11th POWER Sri Lanka 2013 International Expo provides exhibitors a not-to-be-missed opportunity further establish business contacts and get face-to-face and interact directly with the visiting trade delegations, industrialists, importers, distributors and agencies hence making it a great B2B platform of its kind in Sri Lanka and a unique opportunity with a rapidly developing industry sector where investments are now on a rise with new industrialisation making Sri Lanka a very important business destination in South Asia.

Hence with a display of latest innovations and technology of the world in power and energy sector at the 11th Power Sri Lanka 2013 International Expo with its concurrent exhibitions on renewable energy and e-power, the expo will play an important role in familiarising local entrepreneurs with the newest technology right at our doorsteps, in this highly potential sector of our country with a huge scope for expansion. The Government also wants to seek new technology with emphasis on tapping the alternative energy sources for power generation which would take a big load off our existing reserves used for generation.  Besides exhibitors from over 10 countries, there will also be visitors coming to Sri Lanka from different parts of the World to visit the 11th Power Sri Lanka 2013 International Expo to familiarise themselves with the power and energy sector of Sri Lanka and see the Investment climate where the Government is encouraging foreign investments in the power and energy sector.

The 11th Power Sri Lanka 2013 International Expo will also give special emphasis on renewable energy and solar power with its concurrent exhibitions, for encouraging investment in this sector to generate electricity from renewable sources to meet an ever-growing demand and lessen the dependency on existing resources.