2011 marks best year for Sri Lanka-Norway Business Matchmaking Program

Saturday, 9 June 2012 02:24 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Sri Lanka-Norway Business Matchmaking Program of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce released its annual report recently. The Project is a longstanding co-operation between the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and Norad and has been providing mutually beneficial services to both countries for a period close to two decades. According to the year 2011 annual report the years 2009 and 2010, following the end of the three decade long war have been very satisfactory and 2011 has been exceptionally fruitful.

The program has introduced a number of innovative technologies between the two countries. A large number of Memoranda of Understanding have been entered into by parties from Sri Lanka and Norway. This program has also been instrumental in  increasing exports to Norway by over 25% during the last year and the balance of trade is over U$D 10 million in favour of Sri Lanka.

26 Norwegian companies visited Sri Lanka and an Information, Communication Technology (ICT) delegation of 11 Sri Lankan companies visited Norway. The delegation took part in 70 meetings with 12 Norwegian companies in Oslo. 17 Norwegian Companies entered into Memoranda of Understanding with Sri Lankan companies.

During the year an 8 member delegation of the fishery Industry of Norway created national interest due to the commitment shown by the Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. A seminar titled ‘Opportunities and strategies for the development of fisheries and aquaculture sector in Sri Lanka’ where the delegates shared their experiences with the Sri Lankan industrialists and academics was also held.

The other Norwegian companies that visited Sri Lanka during the period had important new technologies to offer to local industrialists. Vestfold Plastindustri met with the Sri Lanka Standards Institute to consider introducing Plastic Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) tanks in place of steel tanks which are currently used and are considered cumbersome. Ro Solutions AS offers desalinisation plants to produce potable water from Sea and brackish water.

Etech Miljo AS specialises in collection of land fill gases for the production of energy is a unique introduction to waste management. Salsnes Filter AS is engaged in trading of wastewater treatment systems & they are working closely with the University of Moratuwa to evaluate the effectiveness of the system as well as to introduce new technologies in the sector.

Hoegh LNG has provided the possibility of attracting the highest investment in Sri Lanka under the BMMP by introducing LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) as fuel. AgroNova has a patented process for recycling waste from hotels and restaurants and are working on a food waste composting pilot project. As a result of all these programs and mutual benefits that have been received by parties in Sri Lanka and Norway, the Norwegian partners –Advance Business Partners has described 2011 as “the best ever experience so far for BMMP for Sri Lanka.”

Those interested in obtaining the services of the Sri Lanka-Norway Business Matchmaking Program are invited to visit www.srilankanorwaybiz.com for further details.