AIT appoints APIIT to drive DBA in Sri Lanka 

Monday, 24 July 2023 02:47 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

From left: APIIT Director Dr. Rohantha Athukorala, APIIT Director Roshan Egodage, APIIT Vice President Business Development/ Dean Management Professor Roger Levermore and APIIT Chairman Bandula Egodage

  • Support economic rebuilding

The global university of the World Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) appointed the leading Sri Lankan education campus APIIT to offer the Doctoral Degree in Business Administration (DBA) program in Sri Lanka at a landmark event. 

“It is not only a win for APIIT but a win for Sri Lanka,” said the Asia Pacific Institute of Technology (APIIT) in Sri Lanka Chairman Bandula Egodage. Given that the program will drive capturing of the best practices of top organisations and add to the body of knowledge in the country in the backdrop of Sri Lanka fighting to recover from the Economic “The Doctoral program of AIT is a sought-after qualification in the Asia region, where the top business leaders are selected to capture the best practice in business with action research so that the dominance of the Asian region can be learned by the Western world which is in recession in the economic landscape,” said the APIIT Director Dr. Rohantha Athukorala who is an alumni of AIT and Harvard University. 

“The AIT process of doctoral dissertations is unique with all supervisors bringing top academics globally from all parts of the world. We already have six corporate leaders selected from Sri Lanka for the program,” he said. 

The DBA program of AIT will accept applications for the new intake in August this year and only 20 applicants will be selected for the next program as per the policy of AIT. “The process will be managed by APIIT aim Sri Lanka and it will be purely on merit that the selection will take place,” said Chairman Bandula Egodage.