Business Forum in Brisbane – “Resilient and Rising: Leveraging Sri Lanka’s Potential”

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 00:25 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


At a time when Sri Lanka is exploring the means to support economic diversification, business innovation and promote inclusive and sustainable growth, Sri Lanka-Australia Chamber of Commerce and the Chartered Accountant Association of Sri Lanka (Australia Chapter Inc) with the collaboration of High Commission of Sri Lanka in Canberra organised a Business Forum “Resilient and Rising: Leveraging Sri Lanka’s Potential” on 6 June 2024 in Brisbane.

The event aimed to bring together Australian business leaders, entrepreneurs and investors to explore and capitalise opportunities in Sri Lanka, focusing on economic resilience, investment prospects and strategic growth initiatives.

While welcoming the guests, Sri Lanka Australia Chamber of Commerce President Kalum De Silva spoke about knowledge industries and sustainable manufacturing industries in Sri Lanka. He also highlighted the importance of geographical location and the investment climate of Sri Lanka.

The High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in Australia Chitranganee Wagiswara highlighted in her remarks that the current economic status in Sri Lanka is stable and moving forward. She briefed on the assistance of the IMF and other bilateral partners and, the conducive business potential which makes Sri Lanka an attractive destination for entrepreneurs.

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka President Heshan Kuruppu in his speech spoke of the business friendly regulations in place which facilitates and encourages investors and businesses.

The address by Queensland Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre and Manufacturing Chairman Paul Cooper was of interest as he shared his experiences and benefits gained in Sri Lanka having established a company in the manufacturing sector.

Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Chairman Duminda Hulangamuwa also addressed the gathering virtually from Sri Lanka and Association of CA Sri Lanka Australia Chapter Chair Lalanka Amarasiri moderated and expressed views on the potential and opportunities in Sri Lanka.

The panel discussion provided the attendees with an opportunity to clarity and raise questions in relation to the business environment in Sri Lanka.

The audience included selected and reputed representatives from Australian companies, Sri Lankan Business companies in Brisbane and over 175 Sri Lankan and foreign companies who joined from overseas virtually.