COYLE toasts its motto ‘Recognition through Excellence’ at 22nd anniversary celebrations

Tuesday, 23 March 2021 00:11 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

From left: Dimuth Chankama Silva (Senior Vice Chairman – 2021/22), Saranga Goonewardena (Chairman – 2021/22), Chamath Kottage (Chairman – 2020/21) and Rasith Wickramasingha (Vice Chairman – 2021/22)

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa addressing the gathering


Chief Guest Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa attended the occasion at the COYLE anniversary celebrations following the 22nd AGM and appointment of the new Chairman of the Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs (COYLE.) The new Chairman (2021/22) Saranga Goonawardena takes the Chamber lead from outgoing Chairman Chamath Kottage. 

The event was held recently at the Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo. Also present at the gala function were several ministers and state ministers together with secretaries and government officials. 

The anniversary celebrations of COYLE marked its ongoing success story and more importantly, was a platform to showcase the business sector’s contributions towards the Sri Lanka’s economy over the years. Members who attended comprised of business magnates from big blue-chip companies to medium and small scale start-ups and individual entrepreneurs.

The grandeur of the event which consisted of a show of traditional music and dance acts, was followed by a top-class dinner. However, it still managed to remain focused on offering networking opportunities that allowed members face-to-face interaction which leads to stronger relationships.

The Prime Minister in his address stated, “COYLE has and always will be a partner in progress with the Governments of Sri Lanka and in the present challenging times, preserving and creating jobs must be our absolute top priority. We have to keep working towards this and there are plenty of opportunities. It is something we cannot achieve without the business community and we need to think about this, not only for us, but also in your own interests. Let us stand united to lift the standard of living of the people of our country.  Since COYLE’s inception, its members and leadership have maintained the same unwavering fervor and passion for our country. The success of COYLE will ensure a better future for Sri Lanka.”

Established in 1999, the chamber is a business information portal that strengthens informal relationships while collaborating ventures and resources that generate new business opportunities. COYLE is the only chamber where the controlling shareholders and chairmen sit and advocate together. COYLE members controlling over 500 companies, provide direct employment to over 500,000 and indirect employment to over 2.5m Sri Lankans. COYLE’s contribution to the country’s annual GDP is over Rs. 650 billion. 

COYLE is proud and appreciative of the longevity it has held within the business community of Sri Lanka. It has spent the last 22 years since its establishment helping the country’s business community grow and in turn their growth has led businesses to give back to the community which strengthens the economy. 

This year’s celebration was a chance for the chamber to look back at its history within the community and continue to enhance its program to best serve its members. In its 22-year history, the names and faces of the chamber may have changed, but its focus hasn’t – providing its members unique opportunities that are meant to grow their businesses.