Cabinet approves import of 15,000 tons of cashew nut to address shortage

Friday, 9 February 2024 00:18 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Cabinet of Ministers approved importing a maximum of 15,000 tons of cashew nuts in the shell this year as the local production capacity falls short to 12,500 tons, leading to an urgent need for intervention.

The annual demand is 25,000 tons of cashew nuts but the cashew industry in the country is facing a very unfortunate situation as the crop has not been harvested as expected in the last season.

Additionally, a committee comprising senior officials from relevant Ministries will determine the quantity to be imported from December to April over the next four years, bridging the gap during the offseason when local cashew harvests are unavailable.

The proposal presented by the Agriculture and Plantation Minister received approval at the Cabinet of Ministers’ meeting on Monday.