Ceylon Chamber’s SLGMBC promotes greater Thailand-Sri Lanka biz ties

Friday, 28 July 2023 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Sri Lanka - Greater Mekong Business Council (SLGMBC) of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a productive meeting with the Thai Government Delegation representing the Department of Trade Negotiations of Thailand. The meeting aimed to foster business collaboration between Sri Lanka and Thailand and provide valuable insights into trade opportunities and investment prospects in both countries.

The event featured distinguished guests, including Ambassador of Thailand to Sri Lanka Poj Harnpol,  Bureau of Asia, Africa, and Middle East Department of Trade Negotiations at the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand Executive Director Aumaporn Futrakul, and Sri Lankan Association Thailand (SLAT) President Sanjeewa Wickramasuriya, as well as SLGMBC President S.M.D. Suriyakumara, and representatives of The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and the Thai-Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce (TSLCC).

The primary objective of the meeting was to equip the Sri Lankan business community based in Thailand with updated information on conducting business in Sri Lanka, while also fostering enhanced understanding of the opportunities for bilateral trade and investment between Sri Lanka and Thailand.

In this regard, Futrakul shared valuable insights into Thailand’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) strategy. Referencing the proposed Free Trade Agreement between Thailand and Sri Lanka, she expressed confidence that it would enhance Thailand’s investment in Sri Lanka in various sectors such as construction, infrastructure, agro-industry, fishery, gems and jewellery, tourism and related services industry, while providing Sri Lankan industries and consumers with enhanced access to Thailand’s market such as automotive, machineries, electronics, appliances, sugar and plastics.

PPP Advisory and Deals Strategy of PricewaterhouseCoopers Director Ruvini Fernando, delivered a comprehensive overview of opportunities for collaboration between Sri Lanka and Thailand, highlighting key sectors and investment possibilities.

Throughout the event, attendees had the opportunity to engage with the Thai Government representatives, raising pertinent questions and discussing matters related to conducting business in Sri Lanka and exploring investment opportunities for establishing joint ventures in the country.

The meeting served as a valuable platform for meaningful dialogue, networking, and knowledge sharing between the Thai Government Delegation, the Sri Lankan business community, and key stakeholders.