First ever Jaffna Housing and Construction Exhibition from 15-17 September

Thursday, 14 September 2023 02:32 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

With the long experience of holding the Build SL Housing and Construction Exhibition, now the Chamber of Construction Industry (CCI) is venturing into Jaffna to hold the first ever Jaffna Housing and Construction Exhibition from 15 to 17 September. 

This will be held in association with the lygangaran Media solution Ltd., a company experienced in organising public events in Jaffna area and the Muttraweli Ground. This exhibition is to be held just after the Nallur Kovil Festival, which is expected to attract at least 300,000 overseas Sri Lankans.

As such it could be a good opportunity to jump start the development work in the North, CCI said.

Alongside this ground-breaking Housing and Construction Exhibition to be held at Muttraweli Grounds in the City Centre of Jaffna, a seminar on relevant topics for development of the Northern Province will be conducted on 15 September at 2.00 p.m. It will be graced by the Northern Province Governor P.S.M. Charles. 

Presentations will be made by the Board of Investment on “Investment Potential of the Northern District” and the Urban Development Authority will also make a presentation on “Opportunities for development” within and outside the district by identifying lands for investment on a PPP basis. 

The scheme of “one-window” approvals will also be elaborated at this seminar. 

For technical papers the University of Jaffna (Civil Engineering Department) will present their findings in Construction Technology. The sponsor of this seminar is International Construction Consortium which will present its own Applied Construction Technology.

This joint effort is a thrust to bring the Northern area into focus especially at the Nallur Festival which is held during this season. This maiden effort by the Chamber of Construction Industry of Sri Lanka to take its exhibitions and seminars countrywide. Participation would be approached through reserving a seat by emailing [email protected]. It could also be viewed through zoom link meeting ID – 862399078 with passcode of 0123456.