Kawshi Amarasinghe appointed to Singer Sri Lanka Board

Monday, 24 June 2024 02:33 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Kawshi Amarasinghe

Singer (Sri Lanka) PLC has announced the appointment of Kawshi Amarasinghe as an Independent Non-Executive Director to the Board.

She fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Dumith Fernando who joined the Singer Board in October 2017.

Kawshi is an Executive Director at Vallibel One PLC holding the position of Group Director of International Business Development and CSR. She is a Non-Executive Director at Fortress Resorts PLC, Greener Water Ltd. and Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC. She is also an Independent Non-Executive Director at Hayleys Leisure PLC.

Kwashi also serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Dhammika and Priscilla Perera Foundation in which she is dedicated to the Foundation’s goal of democratising access to quality education and healthcare services through DP Education.

Kwashi’s educational accomplishments include a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies from the University of Queensland, Australia, with a specialisation in French Studies from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Complementing her global perspective, she has earned a Certificate in Management Acceleration from INSEAD Business School in France and is versed in Hotel Revenue Management from Cornell University, USA.

With the latest changes, the Board of Singer (Sri Lanka) PLC comprises Chairman Mohan Pandithage CEO/Director M.H. Wijewardene, D. Sooriyaarachchi, S.C. Ganegoda, M.H. Jamaldeen, D.K.D.S. Wijeyeratne, G. De Alwis, K.A.D.B. Perera and A.A.K. Amarasinghe