Keells Supermarkets and DMS introduce self-checkout systems to South Asia from Diebold Nixdorf USA

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Standing alongside two Diebold Nixdorf self-checkout machines at a Keells Supermarket are, from left : JKH Asst. Vice President Nishan Rathnayake, JKH Senior Asst. Vice President Amila Kuruppu, DMS Asst. General Manager Himesh Abeysekera and DMS Sales and Marketing Manager Sampath De Silva 

Keells, a leading supermarket chain has upped its game by introducing self-checkout systems from Diebold Nixdorf USA; the global leader for retail automation systems. 

This is a remarkable milestone for Keells as they have become the first supermarket to implement self-checkout systems in the whole of South Asia, well ahead of larger markets in this region like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Keells Supermarket has deployed multiple self-checkout machines in their stores in Sri Lanka; One Galle face, Darley Road, Duplication/Lauries Road, Kalubowila, Thalawathugoda Pannipitiya Road, Attidiya, Kohuwala, Havelock Road, Thalawathugoda, Dehiwala, Union Place, Thimbirigasyaya Road, Kandy City Centre and Kandy 3 Supermarket. 

These Diebold Nixdorf self-checkout systems are supplied and maintained by Data Management Systems Ltd. (DMS), the acknowledged pioneer in the transfer of technology to Sri Lanka for over 47 years having introduced many IT products, software, and services to Sri Lanka while representing the world’s leading IT brands. DMS has been Diebold Nixdorf’s Distributor since 1998.

JKH Senior Assistant Vice President Amila Kuruppu said: “We were looking forward to introducing self-checkout systems into our stores as we observed the importance of convenience in today’s fast-paced world especially where shoppers no longer wait in long queues. With this implementation we have realised the importance of utilising trained employees to provide more value-added personalised services to the customers rather than them being used as cashiers.”

These Diebold Nixdorf self-checkout systems are designed with high performance flatbed barcode scanners for speed reading of even poor quality barcodes while the user-friendly software interface makes them easy to use regardless of the “Technology Literacy” covering all segments, i.e. teenagers, senior citizens, housewives/househusbands, working men and women. Keells has experienced their customers embracing these convenient and easy to use devices that utilise simple instructions to guide them throughout the entire payment transaction; scan and pay for their items in a speedy and efficient manner while enjoying a new and enhanced experience at the store.

JKH Assistant Vice President and Head of IT Infrastructure, Security and Operations Nishan Rathnayake said: “Diebold Nixdorf self-checkout systems from DMS are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to prevent shrinkage (theft) and ensure the integrity of transactions. Features such as security scales and advanced barcode verification systems on these Diebold Nixdorf self-checkout systems help mitigate the risk of unauthorised items leaving the store, providing peace of mind to both customers and staff.”

Keells is known for its range of quality and affordable products as well as great customer service has become a household name synonymous with convenience and reliability with a commitment to provide customers with fresh produce and groceries.

One of Keells Supermarkets’ key strengths lies in its focus on innovation and adaptability by embracing technological advancements and consumer trends, the company continuously enhances its retail experience through initiatives such as online shopping, digital payment options and loyalty programs.