Manohari Abeyesekara appointed CIMA’s Country Network Panel Chair

Friday, 1 February 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Manohari Abeyesekara, FCMA, CGMA, Head – Strategic Business Development of Hayleys PLC, and Director Hayleys Group Services, takes over as the Country Network Panel Chair for 2019. She was the Vice Chairperson of the Panel last year. 

Manohari Abeyesekara

An Alumnus of KPMG, Manohari is a Fellow Member of The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. She read for her MBA from University of Colombo winning three gold medals. Her first degree is in Biology (1st Class Honours) from University of Colombo. A Prizewinner at CIMA Finals-Strategic Financial Management, Manohari was adjudged as CIMA Young Star (Silver) in 2004.

Manohari was elected to the CIMA Sri Lanka Board for two terms 2012-2014 and 2015-2017, and was also a part of the MESANA Regional Board in 2017. Amongst her other CIMA voluntary roles, she was the chairperson of the CIMA Thought Leadership Committee 2013-2014 and chair of the 2017 CIMA Business Leaders’ Summit.

Manohari serves in the Board of International Chamber of Commerce (Sri Lanka) and as the Vice President – MBA Alumni Association University of Colombo.

Commenting on the appointment, Abeyesekara said: “I am honoured and excited to take over as the Chairperson of the CIMA Sri Lanka Network Panel in the centenary year of CIMA. CIMA has added immense value as a global management accounting qualification recognised worldwide. Outside of Europe, Sri Lanka continues to be a large market for CIMA. Our members have been able to contribute to the economic development of Sri Lanka as well as overseas. It’s interesting to note that although CIMA is regarded as a management accounting qualification, most of the CEO’s of the top corporates in Sri Lanka are CIMA members, which shows the versatility of the CIMA qualification.”

“During 2019, we intend to mark CIMA’s centenary year by celebrating its achievements, heritage and its promise for the future. A comprehensive media campaign in press, electronic and social media is targeted where the Centenary year would be celebrated building the brand profile. We intend to engage the members on various networking events as well as CIMA’s flagship event – CIMA Business Leaders’ Summit along with recognition of Top CIMA CEOs/CFOs,” she added. 

Abeyesekara is also a recipient of the prestigious IVLP Program by the Department of State, USA and has won many awards for Women Leadership – Women in Management Sri Lanka (2012), World Women Leadership Congress – Mumbai (2015) and South Asian Partnership Summit-Dhaka (2017).

She has penned articles in CIMA Edge and other journals. Manohari is a Toastmaster and has spoken at many professional events. She was also featured in the CIMA Insight – Thought Leadership article ‘Breaking the glass ceiling in Sri Lanka’.

Manohari is married and has a 13-year-old daughter.