Rocell shines at CNCI Achiever Awards and National Industry Excellence Awards 2023

Friday, 19 January 2024 00:46 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Royal Ceramics Lanka PLC (Rocell) has once again taken the spotlight at two prestigious award ceremonies, underscoring its position as Sri Lanka’s leading tile and bathware manufacturer. 

Rocell’s outstanding contributions in the Extra Large Manufacturing Sector were recognised at the CNCI Achiever Awards 2023 with multiple awards, a testament to its unwavering dedication to manufacturing excellence and the delivery of world-class tile solutions to Sri Lankans. The company received the National Merit Award for its Bathware production facility, as well as the National Silver Award, Provincial Gold Award, and the prestigious Top Ten Award for their Tile production facilities. 

The CNCI Achiever Awards, organised by the Ceylon National Chamber of Industries, are designed to honour companies that excel in both the manufacturing and service sectors.  

Continuing the win of accolades, Rocell also emerged victorious as the National Level Industry Winner, a top award, at the National Industry Excellence Awards 2023. This prestigious event took place recently at the Nelum Pokuna and was organised by the Ministry of Industries and the Industrial Development Board. The ceremony was graced by the esteemed presence of President Ranil Wickremesinghe as the Chief Guest. 

Speaking about the awards, Rocell Managing Director Aravinda Perera expressed his pride and gratitude, stating, “We are indeed thrilled and honoured by the recognition we have received with these accolades. These awards inspire us to reach even greater heights in our pursuit of manufacturing excellence.

 I extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone who contributed to achieving these milestones, and I deeply appreciate the unwavering commitment and dedication of the entire Rocell team.”