Seroshi awarded prestigious Eisenhower Fellowships’ Women’s Leadership 2024

Thursday, 27 June 2024 01:22 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

WIF Founder and Chairperson Seroshi Nandasiri

The Women’s International Foundation (WIF) yesterday announced that WIF Founder and Chairperson Seroshi Nandasiri has been honoured with the prestigious Eisenhower Fellowships’ 2024 Women’s Leadership Program award.

This program, now in its fourth iteration since 2010, is dedicated exclusively to connecting and empowering women leaders worldwide, preparing them for the critical role women play in addressing global challenges. Nandasiri’s selection is a testament to her impactful work and the growing influence of WIF in Sri Lanka.

This platform will facilitate the sharing of global knowledge and best practices with local women’s networks, connecting them to a broader global community. Consequently, an entire network of women entrepreneurs and leaders will benefit from this award, creating a significant ripple effect.

Eisenhower Fellowships (EF) has selected 22 exceptional women leaders from five continents for its prestigious 2024 Women’s Leadership Program. These Fellows will embark on nearly six weeks of intensive travel across the United States, engaging with experts in their respective fields. This program provides a unique opportunity for acquiring knowledge, experience, and exposure, fostering a transformative journey for these global leaders.

Former US Defense Secretary and EF Chairman Dr. Robert M. Gates welcomed the Women’s Leadership Fellows into EF’s global community. “History shows that women leaders have repeatedly helped transform their societies for the better and made some of the most significant contributions to international peace and stability,” Dr. Gates said. “We need more of them, and these outstanding women leaders inspire hope for the future.”

Now in its 71st year and named for America’s 34th President, EF brings together innovative leaders from diverse fields and nations to tackle big challenges and better the world. Since 1953, more than 2,500 leaders from 115 countries have benefited from the unique, customised experience of an Eisenhower Fellowship. 

Nandasiri’s inclusion in this esteemed program highlights her dedication and the ongoing efforts of WIF to promote gender equality and empower women both locally and globally.