Sri Lanka and Maldives to cooperate to develop fisheries sector

Friday, 30 December 2022 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Cey-Nor Foundation Chairman Dr. Dulan Hettiarachchi (right) with Maldives Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture Minister Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan during their meeting in Maldives capital Male


A meeting was held between the Maldives Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture Minister Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan and the Cey-Nor Foundation Chairman Dr. Dulan Hettiarachchi, at the President’s Office of the Maldives in Male.

In order to create new opportunities in the fisheries sector between Sri Lanka and the Maldives and to supply fishing and tourist vessels to the Maldives through the Cey-Nor Foundation which functions under the Ministry of Fisheries.

It was also discussed that the vessels needed by the Maldives in the future should be done through Cey-Nor Foundation in Sri Lanka and to start a joint vessel construction project with investors in the Maldives.

The main mode of transport in the Maldives is sea travel and the fishing industry is also a major source of income. It was agreed that there are no facilities for the fishing and tourism industry in the Maldives and it is definitely more effective to do it bilaterally through the Cey-Nor foundation at a low cost.

Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Maldives A.M. Sadik, the Maldives Minister of State for Fisheries and the Fisheries Ministry Secretary S. Aminath also joined this event.