Swivel Group to hold SwivelHack 2023

Thursday, 14 September 2023 02:38 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Initiative aimed at shaping the future of innovation and IT in Sri Lanka

Swivel Group Co-Founder and CGO Dmitry Loukine
Swivel Co-Founder and CEO Shanil Dissanayake
SwivelTech Engineering VP Romani Rupasinghe 

Swivel Group and its technology solutions subsidiary, SwivelTech have introduced SwivelHack 2023, a pioneering hackathon that promises to propel the boundaries of innovation, collaboration, and technological advancement from Sri Lanka to the globe. 

As the inaugural hackathon hosted internally by the company, this two-day extravaganza which will be held from 14 to 15 September in Colombo, will harness the creative energy of tech enthusiasts, foster teamwork, and catalyse transformative solutions. 

Swivel Group, renowned for its software development, digital strategy, and financial management expertise, is dedicated to helping businesses worldwide realise their full potential. At the core of SwivelHack 2023 lies a commitment to innovation and creating futuristic solutions. The company assists other businesses to scale and is dedicated to providing a platform for budding and seasoned tech visionaries to come together and push the boundaries of technology.

This hackathon aims to unite brilliant minds from diverse backgrounds, fostering collaboration and transforming ingenious ideas into impactful solutions. By tackling real-world challenges head-on, participants can embrace cutting-edge technology and drive change in the technological landscape. SwivelHack 2023 is not just an event; it’s a journey of innovation that empowers the teams to redefine possibilities. 

Heading the organising committee, SwivelTech Engineering VP Romani Rupasinghe said: “As a firm believer in the maxim ‘A nation that does not innovate will not rise,’ SwivelTech proudly unleashes the creative potential within our in-house engineering talent. Our upcoming hackathon celebrates their innovation, technical prowess, and diverse skills. This event not only nurtures creativity within our team but also reaffirms our commitment to contributing to the Sri Lankan IT landscape. By providing dedicated time for our entire staff to explore fresh perspectives and bring their passion projects to life, we are not only setting new standards for delivering unparalleled value to our clients, but also inspiring the broader tech community.”

Participating in the hackathon will bring a plethora of benefits and opportunities to the staff participants. “We’re very glad that we finally decided to kick off our venture into the world of hackathons. There’s been a noticeable buzz across the office, with a range of innovative ideas coming to light and new collaborations being formed between team members who haven’t had the chance to work together before,” said Co-Founder and CGO Dmitry Loukine.

 “The organisers have done a fantastic job of pulling together a competitive event format that will encourage everyone to push the boundaries, challenge themselves with new technologies, and solve big problems that Swivel can showcase to the world.”

From engaging with teammates of both technical and non-technical backgrounds to elevating their problem-solving skills and collectively creating something remarkable; to tackling real-world issues and learning from the experts who pioneered their path to success in the global IT arena, the staff at Swivel are indeed “abuzz.”  “It is an amazing opportunity for our staff to showcase their skills innovation, creativity and versatility.” Swivel’s Co-Founder and CEO Shanil Dissanayake said. “This event will provide the next generation of tech talent in Sri Lanka, the opportunity to build world-class products that we can take to market on the international stage.”

For more information on how this ground-breaking event will pan out, visit: https://hackathon.swiveltech.io/