Beyond the COVID con

Saturday, 2 October 2021 00:15 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

It is inane and insane to try and control people indefinitely for the “grand” purpose of avoiding being exposed to a respiratory virus. Especially when it’s one that tracks normal mortality, where the average age of death is greater than life expectancy globally, and which has a 99% recovery rate outside those above 65 with multiple chronic illnesses – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara


We in Lanka need to remember the proud history, draw on the vibrant culture, the openness, the diversity of the nation, and the resilience shown during the civil war, and recurring rebounds post tsunami and Easter bombing. Surely pharma profit drives and pathogenic distortions should not now invite us to play someone else’s game, where they prosper, and our own society unravels


The assertion that “COVID numbers” should determine our future viability as a society is grotesque and unjustified.

As we were exploring in the last article, it is inane and insane to try and control people indefinitely for the “grand” purpose of avoiding being exposed to a respiratory virus. Especially when it’s one that tracks normal mortality, where the average age of death is greater than life expectancy globally, and which has a 99% recovery rate outside those above 65 with multiple chronic illnesses.

Locking people away in their homes, shutting down exercise, creating economic devastation, stoking depression, and amplifying fear and uncertainty which impairs our immune system, is hardly “medically recommended”. And by disrupting natural social and business contacts, we have actually stopped our immune system being “trained” as it normally is by natural exposure to other respiratory viruses. The harmless becomes potentially harmful as New Zealand has sadly seemed dedicated to demonstrating.

Hospitals there, were recently overflowing with children, but not from COVID, but from the RSV virus due to an inevitable “immunity debt” owing to nullifying normal life for so long. Other respiratory illnesses threaten us far more due to lockdowns and manic social distancing due to this very phenomenon. Handshakes and hugs, warmth and community are not just good for the soul, they are healthy and health-giving.

Nor was this again some unknown “discovery”. Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi blew the warning trumpets back in May 2020. YouTube obliged of course by censoring their video. Yet these eminent doctors were not doing anything other than reminding us of uncontested science, which should have been part of the common currency of anyone’s medical understanding, and in fact was, until the world collectively lost its mind in early 2020. YouTube as a scientific credibility sieve? And we all just look on as that travesty continues…


The immunity service

So, as we’ve seen, this vaccine-based fever dream, this nightmarish rewriting of pandemic response, was never coherent, could not credibly be asserted to stop COVID, when early treatments and natural immunity, and demonstrated cross reactive immunity abounded. The vaccines could have helped with “focused protection” but were not an epochal breakthrough by any means.

This confusion therefore had to be premeditated, it was not accidental. Every public health official in the world had to be educated enough to know they were promoting malarkey and spewing medical gibberish. A basic primer in virology and immunology confirms that. So, why did they do it, and how did they perfect their slick, telegenic, sputtering outrage at having their sham “science” questioned? Why the zeal to get us “vaccinated” with something not quite a vaccine and which doesn’t contribute to herd immunity (despite a despicable “whitewash” from WHO briefly seeking to claim otherwise on their website)?

Addled politicians easily swayed by pseudo-scientific nostrums that flatter their purposes we can understand, many are used to gargling out words flashed on teleprompters, pompous poses for feckless pieties. They are crucially dependent therefore on savvy, sane advisors. But when so ill advised, their penchant for opportunism can run riot and they can commission a crisis for ideological ends: redistribution, carbon net zero, social credit score systems, Orwellian podiums for utopian “dreams” – as long as you can keep the rioting citizens with pitchforks off the streets.

So, we might give a “conceptual pass” to the blabber we hear from politicians. But public health officials, international health organisations, we expected to be better trained and to not so glibly toss aside hard-won pandemic wisdom enshrined in their own pandemic plans in place for precisely such an exigency, that were just cavalierly ignored and tossed aside.

And so, we are led to the fount of distortion, the “blessed” pharmaceutical companies, who manipulate public health policies by “generously” donating to the coffers of politicians, policy makers and public health agencies. What if the latticework of interconnections renders boundaries blurred, and each stakeholder in this alliance of vested interests acts as a reinforcement to the other? So, vaccines become the Holy Grail, and playing fast and loose with the truth to anoint them as such, works for all. Groupthink is born and regularly polished.

With such a revolving door between pharma, public health and international “health” organisations, the “unholy trinity” as some have dubbed it, naysayers, eminent critics and insightful contrarians are expunged from public discourse. Any potentially independent thinker of integrity within these citadels, bites their tongue, lest they find their career eclipsed, their public persona dealt a death blow…calumny and innuendo, magnified by media, will do the trick if actual facts are scarce.

Groupthink (see ‘Ash Conformity Experiments’) renders people blind and deaf, and hence even medieval kings kept court jesters, to jostle them out of their fixations and play devil’s advocate, to actually point out the “Emperor’s New Clothes” (for any unaware of the allusion, the Emperor was actually ‘naked’). No jesting allowed today though, they are purged or cowed.

Yesterday’s precedent and today’s folly

The COVID lunacy is a bigger and bolder replay of the 2009 swine flu hysteria. When the European Parliament investigated WHO and the “scandal” then, the official statement to the committee criticised the influence of the pharma industry on scientists and WHO, stating it led to a situation where “unnecessarily millions of healthy people are exposed to the risk of poorly tested vaccines.” Sound at all familiar? And they said that was for a flu strain “vastly less harmful” than previous flu epidemics.

Very conveniently as well, at that time, the WHO just “changed” the definition of pandemic away from actual risk of disease as it had been to just “number of cases” (sound familiar again anyone?). By classifying the swine flu as a pandemic (when it factually and statistically was not), nations were compelled to implement pandemic plans and also purchase swine flu vaccines (some with disastrous long-term consequences, diseases like narcolepsy emerged clearly causally linked). Machiavelli would have been proud.

The media of course did its part to stoke fears. SPIEGEL devoted a cover story to the new “global virus” forecasting horrific potential of course. Richard Schabas, Chief Medical Officer of Ontario, watching the WHO influence crusade, suggested it become the World Hysteria Organization.

The German tabloid BILD carried a forecast from a “professor” Windorfer who spun tales of 35,000 dead in Germany to come. Later, he confessed to receiving payments from the industry (including from GSK and Novartis). And of course, glistening, next to the BILD headline, was an ad for the German Association of Pharmaceutical Companies!

As per the European Parliament report, WHO’s classifying swine flu as a pandemic (clearly remembered now as an overblown scandal) earned pharmaceutical companies $18 billion in additional revenues.

And so, we needn’t wonder why politicians and media are in thrall to this. Big Pharma spent an average of $4.7 billion per year between 1999 and 2018 on lobbying and campaign contributions, and $20 billion a year to ingratiate itself to doctors and an annual $6 billion on drug ads. As someone wrote, “We are the cow that gets milked. We are the serfs that fund their largesse in this neo-feudal society…” 

So, gripped by runaway hysteria, we abdicate rights, and as liberty seeps away, land into a police state, a medical tyranny, and we wake up as Julius Ruechel writes, “…chained and milked, like a cow in a dairy barn, under the absolute custody of a modern-day Louis XIV and his royal court full of drug pushers, ideologues and militant devotees.” This is not just fascistic, here we have feudalism primped and preened for the 21st century, underwritten by providing “immunity” as a subscription-based service.

What response?

So, we have to make our peace with facing facts. We’ve been played. And we know now how, and perhaps have a glimpse of why. And we can say it’s akin to the 2009 Swine Flu, except our merry band of perpetrators seem to have learned from their mistakes and we did not. Our immunity to learning, if we’re not careful, will be our downfall. 

Happily, though, the “con” once seen, can’t be “unseen”. And so, instead of this sense of foreboding, a hapless depressed resignation, we at least can see the contours of the underlying problem, a kind of weight lifts from our shoulders. When the snake is spied in the grass, it concentrates attention. So, we are invited now to speak up, stand up, and refuse to play along. 

And we could do little better than to give heed to Martin Luther King’s counsel: “Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatise the issue that it can no longer be ignored.” 

Tyranny banks on compliance. Non-compliance, purposeful, energised, constructive, enrolling people, breaks it apart. The system is thrown into crisis when people “vote” with their actions. And we all matter. Truckers keep us fed. Medical staff are needed to run hospitals. Workers keep supply chains going. Policemen are needed for law and order. Garbage collectors keep cities viable. Cashiers make malls workable. Without administrators, institutions cease to function. Staff are necessary for corporate profit. Servers feed patrons at restaurants. And absent customers, businesses are brought to their knees.

Of course, most don’t wish to add to the crisis, especially in these uncertain and fragile economic times. But any expression of influence, any vocal disagreement, any act of constructive activism, any measured push back, all of these things coalesce, and ripples become waves. Voltaire wrote, “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” It is also dangerous to run a society when people refuse to learn and think and give voice to their passion and their priorities. 

To kindle that passion, here is a simple reminder, a litany of the many “lies” globally ladled this season, curated by Off-Guardian (thank you Kit Knightly!), and synthesised here:

1) The survival rate is over 99% (all the infection fatality rate studies have returned results between 0.04% and 0.5%).

2) There has been NO unusual excess mortality on a population and age adjusted basis (the years 2000 for the UK and 2004 for the US are already comparable).

3)  COVID deaths are inflated by calling it a “COVID death” due to the presence of a “positive test” irrespective of primary cause of death.

4) Vast majority of COVID related deaths have serious compounding comorbidities (in Lanka, overwhelmingly so).

5) Average age of “COVID death” globally is greater than life expectancy globally.

6) Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease…easily verifiable by comparing lockdown presence or stringency across regions, no pattern emerges at all, or indeed where it does, an inverse correlation emerges.

7) Lockdowns kill people through indirect effects. World poverty as per WHO is likely to double as well as child malnutrition. Hundreds of thousands of children killed by the economic impact, tens of millions facing poverty and famine. Add to this impacts relating to unemployment, poverty, suicide, social/mental health crises, delayed surgeries and screening leading to increased mortality from real killers like cancer and heart disease.

8) Hospitals were never over-run for any sustained time, not more so than they typically are seasonally, millions were spent in the US and UK on temporary emergency hospitals that were never used.

9) PCR tests were not designed to diagnose illness (their own literature says so), nor did their EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) ever extend to the asymptomatic. So, a massive testing fraud has been perpetrated. The test “amplifies” what is there, and cannot testify to its status (live, debris, fragment).

10) PCR tests beyond what they can reveal, are liable to throw off false positives (in China, a study showed different results from the same test on the same day numerous times, in Germany data showing they respond to common cold viruses hence US has withdrawn EUA from original PCR test as it can’t differentiate influenza and C-19, Ct settings above 28 are rife with distortion). 

11) Current WHO guidance is not to mass test the asymptomatic. WHO twice admitted PCR tests throw off false positives, warning of high Ct values and that with the asymptomatic the test had to be “tested”, “clinical presentation” should be referenced.

12) Most so called “positive tests” posing as “cases” without symptoms constitute 50-75% of so called “cases”, higher from a UK study in August 2020. There is no evidence of real asymptomatic spread, from “exceedingly rare” to nonexistent. Hence locking up the healthy makes NO sense.

13) Ventilators have never been a recommended treatment for respiratory viruses, and so this was to suppress patients exhaling aerosol droplets, not for treatment. German pulmonologist Dr. Thomas Voshaar, Chairman of the Association of Pneumatological Clinics said: “This contradicted our clinical experience with viral pneumonia.” 

14) Ventilators killed people, both through an infection called “ventilator associated pneumonia” as well as mechanical ventilation injuring the lungs. Data indicates 66 to 86% of “COVID patients” put on ventilators died. Early treatment was suppressed which would have avoided virtually every patient reaching that dire stage of the illness.

15) Masks don’t work. They were not recommended until 2019 by WHO, CDC, UK, EU, or anywhere else. No new evidence or science emerged to justify the change. The particles involved with C-19 are too small to be intercepted by the masks any more than smoke would be, and globally there is no difference in results between non-masked jurisdictions and those that are masked. In fact, once again, on the contrary (Sweden, Bulgaria, Florida). They stifle breathing and gather bacteria and other contagions.

16) Despite inconclusive research since 1990, a slew of mRNA vaccines were somehow “ready” in months. Acknowledged as “gene therapy” on their EUA, these “vaccines” never purported to confer immunity or prevent transmission. They are to reduce “severity of symptoms”, hence could not justify any sane rationale for “a vaccine pass.”

17) These vaccine therapies did not conclude safety trials, did not test the vulnerable, and have unknown long-term effects. The pharmaceutical companies are legally indemnified, only above 60 with comorbidities are really vulnerable, 99% survive, there are numerous early and safe therapeutic treatments. Yet we “insist” everyone get jabbed? The con is on!

18) EU was preparing “vaccine passports” at least a year before the pandemic began (EU documents published in 2018 “2018 State of Vaccine Confidence” and a 2019 “Vaccination Roadmap” a passport feasibility study in short). A training exercise (so called) predicted the pandemic weeks before it started (October 2019, World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University Event 201). It referred to a zoonotic coronavirus inaugurating a worldwide pandemic – sponsored of course by Bill and Melinda Gates and GAVI the vaccine alliance.

19) The above culminated in a “call to action.” One month later China officially recorded their first case of “COVID”.

20) Since beginning of 2020, the Flu has “disappeared”. More likely baked into C-19 stats through the distortions of PCR. Whereas C-19 with identical symptoms and similar mortality rate to influenza has been sweeping the globe.

21) 40 new billionaires were hatched “fighting the coronavirus” (fighting a virus with an IFR of 0.15% while abundant early treatments were actively smothered and suppressed), 9 of them vaccine manufacturers.

If these do not stir your fighting spirit, your spittle, your resolve, to call out this spewing distortion, misinformation and manipulation, nothing will. Humanity will either demand satisfaction, a return to accountability, sanity and government of the people, by the people and for the people, or we will deserve our fates.

Abraham Lincoln in addition to the government sentiments above said “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” So, time to say “no” to the further march of folly, peacefully, imaginatively, collectively and constructively. We need evolution not revolution. We have to decide what we want to be free “for” not just free “from.” And then we need to move decisively in that direction.

Lanka revels

How quickly national fortunes can change. Lanka is the oldest democracy in Asia. It was among the most prosperous and advanced countries in the region in the ’50s. Singapore sent delegations to study Lanka’s success at the time it was itself a malarial swamp. We opened our economy well ahead of India and flourished accordingly.

Japan is a true inspiration. My father who was Ambassador there wrote a book about the Japanese experience entitled Nation Building. Two atom bombs, occupied, devastated, no natural resources, and it became the world’s second largest economy for multiple decades, and even today, is the world’s third largest economy, after the US and China (who dwarf it in size and resources). It spawned the energy for the East Asian “miracle” which transformed a region based as much on focused leadership and human capital as anything else.

We in Lanka need to remember the proud history, draw on the vibrant culture, the openness, the diversity of the nation, and the resilience shown during the civil war, and recurring rebounds post tsunami and Easter bombing. Surely pharma profit drives and pathogenic distortions should not now invite us to play someone else’s game, where they prosper, and our own society unravels.

At the extremity, can we decide, not through rhetoric, but audacity of action and consistency of conviction, to upgrade our institutions, ensure a true rule of law, ensure competence is at the helm of government (as Lee Kuan Yew demonstrated with the very best in government roles with real accountability and “Total Quality” principles of service expected, indeed demanded), and have a vision larger than our tribal affections, where citizenship is a proud endowment which invites everyone’s best contribution? The real “aid” will come from there. Time for radical accountability and a drive for real growth that everyone can participate in. Time for a renaissance.

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Discover Kapruka, the leading online shopping platform in Sri Lanka, where you can conveniently send Gifts and Flowers to your loved ones for any event including Valentine ’s Day. Explore a wide range of popular Shopping Categories on Kapruka, including Toys, Groceries, Electronics, Birthday Cakes, Fruits, Chocolates, Flower Bouquets, Clothing, Watches, Lingerie, Gift Sets and Jewellery. Also if you’re interested in selling with Kapruka, Partner Central by Kapruka is the best solution to start with. Moreover, through Kapruka Global Shop, you can also enjoy the convenience of purchasing products from renowned platforms like Amazon and eBay and have them delivered to Sri Lanka.