Friday Feb 28, 2025
Monday, 19 July 2021 00:10 - - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
Oblivious to mounting reports of adverse effects, far in excess of the adverse effects chronicled for all other vaccines cumulatively(!) since we started tracking, we are going to assert from now, that fully ‘vaccinated’ people get a special entry pass?
We heard recently the prediction that if nothing untoward happens relative to our pandemic situation, September may see normalcy. However, the description of that normalcy for say tourism, is everyone arrives fully vaccinated, and then undergoes a 24-hour turnaround PCR test. All being well on that front, said tourists can go anywhere, ‘tier 1’ or otherwise (of all the blessedly ill-conceived ideas, this is one we cannot shed fast enough).
The problem with the above statement is everything it ignores. Singapore has already announced it will stop mass testing, and treat C-19 like influenza, and deal with those who present themselves with symptoms. Sweden, which has never gone for mass panic, and proven throughout how sound the accumulated wisdom of the public health playbooks up until 2019 were, ditched PCR testing months back. Even WHO’s interim guidance says to stop asymptomatic testing, unless someone was a direct contact of someone infected or themselves clearly exposed (particularly healthcare workers). Even then, the suggestion is to see if symptoms develop.
There has never been any excess mortality here in Serendib. So, what is this ‘new equilibrium’ we are being buoyed by? Stop mass testing tomorrow, introduce the plethora of early treatments with demonstrated efficacy worldwide we have been referencing and providing links to, and keep an eye on the mortality needle. This is as true today as it would have been six months back. ‘Positive test surges’ disconnected from hospitalisation and death cannot be the basis for recurring social and economic paralysis and self-destruction.
Secondly, it seems we want to mandate full vaccination, but with which vaccines? Parts of Europe won’t accept Astra Zeneca, which is banned outright in some European countries, and for certain age groups in parts of Europe and Australia. Johnson & Johnson was halted for blood clotting in many jurisdictions and now there is an explicit FDA warning of a rare auto-immune disease (Guillain Barre) being potentially triggered as a further side-effect.
The two explicit mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna already have warnings of ‘rare’ clotting issues and particularly myocarditis, so much so that Singapore now recommends not doing any strenuous exercise for weeks after being jabbed for young adults. There are also allegations mounting of issues with pregnancy, neurological damage and more. So, oblivious to mounting reports of adverse effects, far in excess of the adverse effects chronicled for all other vaccines cumulatively(!) since we started tracking, we are going to assert from now, that fully ‘vaccinated’ people get a special entry pass?
Moreover, we are seeing reinfections galore. Sinopharm reinfections in Seychelles for example, once the world’s most vaccinated nation, other Sinopharm jurisdictions falling prey to variants, far lower efficacy predictions, UAE and Australia included. Seychelles in fact had 0 COVID deaths as of January 2021. They now have more than India and Canada, 94th highest in the world per million, having vaccinated over 60% of their population, largely by Sinopharm and India manufactured Astra Zeneca.
We are seeing the same re infectiousness in Israel (from Pfizer) and the UK (where reinfections from vaccinated are close to overtaking infections from unvaccinated – despite the mercifully mild lethality of ‘Delta’ – all cause mortality below 2015-2019 five-year average for England and Wales for 14 out of the last 17 weeks). So, is this now just to be a ‘virtue tattoo’ of some kind?
The developers of these experimental treatments were seeking to avoid serious infection and death, there were no claims of long term ‘sterilising immunity’ as you get from natural immunity after recovery or a robust immune response by being part of the vast majority of the population not at risk from COVID-19. Ergo, the relevance of people arriving ‘vaccinated’ to then be ‘tested’ by a test that does not tell us anything about live infectiousness and is prone to false positives, is counterintuitive surely.
The old SARS test of checking temperature on arrival and symptoms sufficed then, it would suffice now. At most a further rapid Antigen test, there are saliva based and breath-based ones coming onto the market, with high degrees of reliability, not necessitating an overnight stay or intrusion into someone’s travel plans.
And then to top it all off, the ‘scariants’ which are a mortality dud by and large, nevertheless in terms of infections are outsmarting the so-called ‘vaccines.’ Dr. Peter McCullough, internist, cardiologist, the leading early care COVID specialist with remarkable results with patient care since March 2020 (has lost only two patients since then and helped create early treatment protocols that have contributed to keeping COVID mortality even among the vulnerable population in the US, so tame post November 2020) says speaking of the Australian debacle: “The strategy should be to avoid the horrors of the ICU. Australia must treat the virus early. All of those unfortunate souls received no treatment. The vax is useless now, does not cover Delta, so this will continue until we have early treatment on a mass scale.”
He continues referring to the recent medical paper ‘Antigenic minimalism of SARS-CoV-2 is linked to surges in COVID-19 community transmission and vaccine breakthrough infections’, saying: “This paper shows in more than one million samples the virus is changing and finding ways to avoid the vax induced antibodies. Basically, the virus is outsmarting the vax stakeholders. It’s a hopeless and failing effort for vaccine apologists.”
Ergo, by September, prompted by vaccines almost goading the virus to find transmissibility ‘breakthroughs’, being ‘stressed’ into variants, the current crop of vaccines will be largely useless. Unlike natural immunity and unlike early treatments. Perhaps also unlike better tested, less experimental vaccines like Novovax that are making their way onto the market.
Thus, our forecasts of ‘normalcy,’ need to be far more specific, nuanced and measured – and relevant to the only thing that matters – mortality, not pseudo-PCR inflamed ‘cases’ because of which we don’t even know the actual COVID induced mortality numbers as of today and are just asserting numbers divorced from any established plausibility (due to abundant comorbidities) – unless these were clearly COVID symptomatic deaths.
Here is an ER Doctor from South Africa perhaps giving voice to what we all need to accept and affirm:
(Speaking post a recent lockdown): “More people will lose jobs, more children will become suicidal, and a psych wave will hit us again (but now without medical aids because jobs are lost). The parasuicides, the depression and anxiety in all its forms. The untreated chronic illnesses.
“There is more…patients coming in with severe vaccine side effects after being coerced into getting them, lives forever changed. Heart attack patients with no one to treat them, specialists in tears because they’ve had to let their staff go as there is no income.”
She continues, outraged, as specialists like Dr. Chetty in South Africa are there, 4,000 patients and not one lost, due to his ‘8th day’ protocol, which treats COVID as a hypersensitivity inflammation reaction with antihistamines, steroids and where needed, anti-coagulants. His regimen is being studied globally, but not applied with the zeal needed, locally.
She writes, “It is brutal. But so is watching one of our best violinists busking for a loaf of bread because the symphony orchestra is on hold, the small business and hospitality owners losing everything, people being made to feel guilty for wanting to live and love.
“I think we should stop counting. We need to push through and choose life, not count numbers. There will be a cost either way (though again, we can vastly mitigate it, by protecting the vulnerable, and treating them early, and the vast majority are not at risk and if asymptomatic, do not transmit, now proven over and over again). I’m so dreadfully sorry for anyone who lost a loved one (but surely that is true however that happened, COVID, poverty, overdose, deferred care…not just our warped, exclusive C-19 fascination). But the fear and the guilt and the coercion and the isolation and the loss of freedom must stop.”
The violation of our liberty is an unacceptable casualty. Loss of freedom of speech, of movement, economic freedom, autonomy over your body and your business and your life plans…our history has bled for that. It cannot be relinquished because of vastly hyped, intemperate fear. Reason and humanity cannot be traded for hysteria.
Oh, and by the way, the country most hated by ‘health experts,’ Sweden, just slipped in mortality per million another notch to 33rd among countries assessed in the world, with 0 COVID deaths in the last seven days, no lockdowns, no enforced mask mandates, relatively low (among European countries) vaccination percentages, no PCR tests, open society and economy.
Where are we heading?
In our fantasy lives, we imagine that somehow there will be ‘breakthrough contrition’ and we will hear the following pangs of accountability from key world leaders and policymakers and repentant scientists and medical leaders who have leeched off and undermined public trust. I reiterate it is a fantasy almost certainly. But were it to be manifested somehow, what might we hear?
We confess the masks were a parody, unscientific, unsubstantiated, a travesty of coverings designed to be face fitted, only to be worn for brief periods, in sterile environments, not as perpetual muzzles.
We admit these coverings had no quality control, could not hold back aerosols, and we never warned of the hygienic dangers or the pervasive psychological impact.
Lockdowns were an outrage, a penal concept, with no medical basis. It was a reflex when we initially feared this was a highly virulent, droplet transmitted pathogen. Instead, this was age stratified, airborne, followed natural mortality, and there was no rationale for locking up the healthy and not at risk.
Clearly, like other respiratory viruses, this is seasonal, and the data shows lockdowns had no positive impact on mortality, and had a shattering effect on life, liberty and indeed economically fragile, at risk populations, who also were kept from essential medical care, and established vaccinations for diseases we had essentially routed, and which are now poised for a comeback (polio, TB, and more).
Every few minutes in India, a child dies, every day 1,500 die from TB there, every day 2,500 from diarrhoea. Yet, somehow, we ignore these as not being ‘emergencies’ or public health ‘crises’ worthy of our passionate attention.
Our actions led to the widescale destruction of jobs; businesses were ordered into bankruptcy. We weren’t entitled to pick ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in this way. Lifetimes were spent building what in a year of panic and over-reaction we decimated.
We kept you from your loved ones, parents and grandparents, the truly vulnerable. All they lived for were your hugs, and intimacy, faces and smiles, and we called these ‘lethal’ and suppressed evidently viable, early treatments which could only have helped keep you healthfully together. Randomised trials were never required before for doctors exercising clinical judgment reaping the benefits of judiciously applied, off label, repurposed drugs. And now we centralised this, and ordered doctors not to treat, until those vulnerable, had to head to ICUs, desperate for oxygen.
In many parts of the world, the elders who nurtured you and raised you, were deprived of your attention, your warmth, your company. We took over your family stories. We decided life and death for you.
We announced the provenance of ‘deaths’ based on absurd, uncorroborated tests, and we hinged your autonomy and options on them.
We perpetrated a mad medley. A grandmother’s natural death was prioritised over a teenage suicide. Starving kids become secondary to a virus, for the first time in history. If you are angry at this self-righteous intrusion into education and fortunes, leaving daily wage earners and migrant workers starving and exposed to the elements, who could blame you?
We lied and told you that you were all at great risk, for some reason you refused to read simple data that would have refuted us. The Nazis said it wasn’t Naziism that was the corruption, but making people afraid, which leads them to acquiesce and kowtow.
Human communion, connection and hugs, became ‘crimes.’ Even though there are fully open, flourishing jurisdictions, we ignore living proof over mindless ‘models.’ When anyone died, we blamed your behaviour, without perspective or proportionality.
The healthy should not have been manically and relentlessly tested, need never have had to live with fear. They should have flexed their immune systems, their children should have been at play and in school, and they could and should have led to us to this influenza strain with an infection fatality rate no greater than median influenza, becoming already endemic.
When deaths fell, we kept mass ‘testing’ and called ‘symptomless positive tests’ cases for the first time in history, on no grounds whatsoever. We scorned people for wanting to mingle. We locked up children, destroyed their social development, and stole their educational prospects. In parts of the world this pushed them into child weddings and child labour, but all of that was somehow ‘acceptable’ for an illness with a global 99% recovery rate below 65 without serious comorbidities, and highly treatable for those at risk. An illness with a viral phase, an inflammation phase and a thrombosis phase has so many treatment options. We ignored them all, in our manic push for ‘vaccines’ not adequately tested, expensive, and now desperately seeking to be enforced.
We have pathetically ignored all the mounting adverse effects, and just used the word ‘vaccine’ for what is confessed by its manufacturers to be ‘gene therapy’ …which never successfully made it past animal trials for decades. Everything ‘novel’ about this faux pandemic, for which there has been no sustained excess mortality globally, has had patents sought, including for the ‘distinctive’ spike protein, 73+ of them, going back to 2002. Dr. David Martin’s firm (M-CAM, Innovation Risk Management, the world’s largest underwriter of intangible assets) which audits patents attempted over the decades, has sought to highlight this since 2002, and has just submitted evidence of all these applications, giving the lie to this being ‘natural’ or ‘novel’. No coverage in mainstream media, though this is readily demonstrable.
We have ditched science, as evidence-based exploration and a healthy questioning of assertion and dogma, and instead treated our ‘preferred conclusions’ as something that science has had to be perverted to accommodate.
What was once beautiful, is now eclipsed. We have ridden roughshod over everything taken for granted. Our sins are the ‘new normal.’ What we’ve taken can never be properly given back. We thought we could ‘manage’ that which has overwhelmed and overtaken us. We may deserve the gallows but cannot even rise to the confessional of the public square. And you will not accept your gullibility, and we cannot, as we parade maskless through Cornwall with world leaders or Wimbledon with those exempt (having paid for the privilege) just set you free from our lunatic fringe strictures and dictums.
Despite recurring myocarditis and other surging dangers, we are now seeking to jab children who have no risk from COVID, and who don’t transmit it, and we simply march on, fact-free, obliviously wreaking havoc.
Overdue for sanity
So, can we just say ‘yes’ to the following, fortified and inspired and informed by all the above?
I’ve said it before, ‘non-death’ is not life. Life is more than biologic survival. Tourists can be let in, and they can bring their currency and comradeship in with them. We can have the early treatment protocols ready, let’s assess by symptoms, and let our natural open spaces, be prophylactic and tonic. On that basis Florida flourishes, California cowers.
There was no vaccination rescue during the Spanish Flu. Two years, and life moved on. The plague in Britain in the end of the 19th century, the same. Flu vaccines still don’t work, no other vaccines require constant booster shots, and here it’s not because of our irrepressible foe, but our blundering attempt to suppress symptoms by injecting the very spike proteins that are the problem, and then pretending that tragic (in relative terms) negative effects are ‘rare’. Orwellian doublespeak at its finest.
As such, ‘no’ risk from experimental treatments is acceptable for the vast majority not at risk. And cheap, available treatments that are more affordable, more reliable and far safer, should be our medical liturgy, not harassing people to submit to ongoing human trials as a precondition to be able to live, travel, or resume the right to assess risks. Since there is no asymptomatic transmission (studies galore, and we’ve had six front line global doctors with remarkable COVID treatment results who have presented here, tell us so, through data and clinical experience), the Fauci email-confessed charlatanism, the charade, the fraud fed to us, should be called off, for the overwhelming majority.
And we get back to life and protect the vulnerable and treat the symptomatic. Sanity anyone?
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