Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Saturday, 6 November 2021 00:12 - - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
There is no way to vaccinate ourselves out of this. Almost certainly mass vaccination is ‘stressing’ the virus to produce more variants. The ‘vaccine’ should only have been offered to the most vulnerable such as the elderly and immunocompromised – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara
In a round table discussion with some of the leading COVID clinicians and frontline doctors there was an extraordinary level of agreement as to what they’ve seen, learned and demonstrated regarding this misconstrued, miscommunicated and tragically responded to pathogen. Their canopy consensus breaks down into four points.
Let me first just list some of these noted experts: Robert Malone, key architect of the mRNA technology that enabled the most commonly used vaccines; Dr. Richard Urso, Ophthalmologist and COVID early treatment pioneer with remarkable clinical results across the biphasic illness (virus, then inflammation, then thrombosis); Dr. Brian Tyson, California family doctor having treated more than 6,000 COVID patients successfully and now finds children are getting sick from common winter illnesses rather than COVID; Dr. Mark McDonald, L.A. psychiatrist; Dr. Pierre Kory, Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist, Founding President of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance; Dr. John Littell, family specialist, Florida; and Dr. Ryan Cole, Medical Director, Cole Diagnostics who has done more than 100,000 COVID tests in the past year.
First point of consensus is that there is no way to vaccinate ourselves out of this. Almost certainly mass vaccination is ‘stressing’ the virus to produce more variants. These variants escape any protection temporarily proffered by our jittery jab. In a report published by Nature Public Health Emergency Collection end September 2021: ‘Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2,947 counties in the United States.’ Ergo, the ‘vaccine’ should only have been offered to the most vulnerable such as the elderly and immunocompromised.
Secondly, it is especially mistaken to inflict such “jabbing” on children. They are at almost zero risk from C-19 but very much at risk from this “vaccine” in ways unrecognised during its development.
Third, overwhelming data demonstrates beyond a shadow of sane doubt that cheap and effective treatments are available which keep the overwhelming majority of patients out of hospital. Please note, already an overwhelming minority of patients ever end up in hospital due to COVID and this further whittles their numbers down to a more than manageable minimum.
Fourth, lockdowns which are irrational, inhuman and unsustainable have blighted the lives of millions, especially children, and must be excised from our consciousness and never repeated. It is surreal, given the clear result of any cost-benefit assessment based on data, to hear the prattlings of medical chiefs calling for booster jabs and campaigning for a return of COVID restrictions.
Further distillation from the round table discussions
There is a concern that the virus is evolving rapidly akin to what happens when you overuse antibiotics. We may well be leading ourselves down a path to vaccine resistant mutants. These ‘vaccines’ are gene therapy based and have a common problem insofar as having only one antigen, namely the spike antigen.
When these were being developed, Dr. Malone points out, we didn’t know the spike was biologically active. These are the types of issues you get when you fast track beyond a certain advisable threshold. We need a middle ground as a community seeking to primarily protect people at high risk. This also would be far more ethically compelling than hoarding the ‘vaccine’ in globally affluent epicentres for people who don’t really need it.
Moreover, the safety of this underlying technology requires assiduous attention not frenzy. Whether this was understood or not earlier the spike protein is responsible for much of the disease…from the pathology in our blood vessel linings to the coagulation, and it is this very protein in this very biologically active form that has been used in these ‘vaccines.’
Dr. Urso points out that when we proclaim that someone died ‘of COVID’, they actually died from an inflammatory thrombotic disease, not from the virus running through their body. There are exceptional early treatment protocols for the viral stage and many mainstream drugs to combat inflammation and thrombosis.
Of the 330 children alleged to have died from COVID in a year and a half in the US as per the CDC, all had serious comorbidities. As a benchmark, 50,000 a year die otherwise, many from drowning and car accidents. And it seems COVID infected children do not even spread. Says Dr. Urso, “…at least seven different studies show, children spreading to adults is close to zero.” Dr. Tyson reiterates that not one of those 330 deaths was a healthy child, in fact, they had four or five risk factors: morbid obesity, diabetes, weakened immune systems (chemotherapy for example). These opportunistic infections would have led to the unfortunate death of these children anyway.
And there isn’t that much to fear, Dr. Tyson’s 6,000 patients testify to this. For those who started treatment from day one to seven, zero deaths. For those whose treatments started later, four deaths, two dying the same day they showed up at the clinic. According to the CDC, the second most lethal comorbidity is panic and anxiety with the compromising effect they have on our immune systems. And then we wonder why we flood our psyches with never ending exaggerated intemperate panic porn.
Dr. McDonald says, “Fear has been the driving force in this pandemic from the beginning. What’s driving the fear now is propaganda.” And this has tangible impact. He highlights how the developmental stage that children need to go through (babies, toddlers, young adults) is being foreclosed. Terrifyingly Brown University published a study that found babies born after 1 January 2020, have an IQ drop of 20 points!
How does this come about? They don’t see faces, they don’t play, they have little to no social exposure, they either don’t go to school or are on high alert there. Many were basically locked in their homes staring at their parents or computer screens for a year and a half, and so their brains have had stunted development. We have to allow ourselves to get genuinely depressed by this to allow the alarm bells to sound. To galvanise ourselves to say, “Stop!” Dr. McDonald distils the warning, “My concern is that we are building a generation of young people who are so traumatised that they will never fully recover. They are always going to be scarred emotionally.”
So, the doctors are stressing that we must reverse many of the measures that have been implemented. Patients, families, care givers should re-empower themselves, and get back to Hippocratic basics. Doctors cite one of the seminal books they had in medical school, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. “Many specific host factors influence likelihood of acquiring an infectious disease: age, immunisation history, prior illnesses, level of nutrition, pregnancy status, coexisting illnesses and perhaps emotional state—all have some impact on the risk of infection after exposure to a potential pathogen.” And yet we have bypassed this core understanding and manically focused only on immunisation history to the exclusion of everything else.
Dr. Kory continues to campaign for more attention to be lavished on early treatment strategies, especially as we now see the ‘vaccinated’ getting reinfected. With effective early treatments, virtually no one will die, no matter how scary future variants seem to be. Dr. Littell speaks about how patients have gotten lifesaving early treatment with Ivermectin, HCQ and a raft of other medications, despite profit-driven institutional naysayers, because of a subversively free exchange of ideas among physicians around the world. These are those who have dealt with patients on the front line and have clear evidence that with the right preventive treatment, we approach zero mortality.
Dr. Kory further points out that effective early treatments are being muzzled and stifled due to two overarching forces. The first is what we are calling regulatory capture, financial interests are driving this to ensure any ‘solution’ has to be profitable. ‘Vaccines’ are the highest rung of this ladder. The second overlapping challenge is the academic bias institutionalised over the last decade that the only proof of a drug’s efficacy comes from large double blind randomised control trials. The flow is from diagnosis to positive test to symptom, enrolment, consent, randomised testing and drug delivery. This can often delay urgently needed rollout and put artificial limitations on dosage and is prohibitively expensive beyond that. Whereas non-randomised clinical evidence is as powerful and paints a portrait over time and a quantum of patients that, mediated by the clinical experience of doctors, is crystal clear.
Dr. Cole points out that COVID is a clotting disease. The spike protein conveyed through the ‘vaccine’ is an active biologic molecule. Writes Dr. Cole, “So, what do I see under the microscope? We see clotting under the skin, in the lungs, in the blood vessels, in the brain—not from the virus, but from the spike, the ‘vaccine’ itself.”
While most people are unaffected, from the US, UK and Europe, we have seen more death and damage from this medical product in a roughly eight-month window of time than all other vaccines combined in the last several decades. “It has done more damage than any other medical product, therapy, shot, modality or anything we’ve ever allowed to stay on the market at this point.”
We have forgotten what our amazing immune system can manage, for example, in dealing with ravaging illnesses like chicken pox and measles. Almost half of the kids in the US have already had COVID, but the doctors remind us that we’re not antibody testing and instead subjecting everyone to a pervasive oppression of masking and behavioural paralysis that denies basic science.
Since under 60 with no comorbidities your chances of dying are virtually nil from C-19, and with early treatment they fall off precipitously from there, certainly as a COVID recoverer with now natural immunity, you do not need a shot. In particular, said shot can damage the hearts of children. More and more children are having myocarditis. Dr. Cole reminds us that there is no such thing as mild myocarditis. It is an inflammation of the heart, and once you get inflammation, you get scarring. “Those kid’s hearts are damaged for life.”
Not only have children died of heart attacks after the shot, but there are also more kids that have had myocarditis now than have died of COVID! For the love of everything holy, as children from zero to 18 have a statistical 100% chance of survival globally (99.997%), why conceivably would we punish and damage them for an illness that poses no threat to them?
Stupid malice
It is hard to characterise it otherwise when we are mobilising to mass ‘vaccinate’ children against a virus less dangerous to them than influenza. Starkly put, this will kill a number of them and save absolutely no lives. How that is acceptable and not igniting even more focused protests remains an inscrutable mystery. The myocarditis elevated mortality in younger demographics is downplayed by the servile global media just as they persistently downplay spiralling widespread economic and supply chain chaos flowing from months of unprecedented and utterly useless closures.
We created a reality where millions of people, for protracted periods, could not leave their supposedly open, democratic countries or be economically active much less productive, without submitting to medical treatments they don’t want or need. The media hysteria and population wide house arrest from which this flows, was implausibly to flummox a mildly lethal, and as it turns out, highly treatable viral strain.
Insightful commentators separate out the ‘outer conspiracy’ and the ‘inner conspiracy.’ The ‘outer conspiracy’ is the publicly declared justification (the runaway pathogen), what ‘true believers’ think is actually going on. The ‘inner conspiracy’ is leveraged by a small group of people with undue financial and political influence who have created a vision to promote political, social or commercial goals, beneficial to them. Comparisons are made to John Le Carre’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy where the ‘outer conspiracy’ are bureaucrats undermining their own institutions to curry favour with those in charge, whereas the ‘inner conspiracy’ is orchestrated by a Russian mole or double agent to further a very different purpose.
The central pandemic doctrine being promulgated is that all infections are terrorising, and any death, even tenuously linked to such infections (even if tracking normal mortality) is cataclysmic. The second aspect of this deranged doctrine is that, via social and medical technology, you can rein in such pandemic outbreaks. What is curious about these now devotedly held beliefs is that before 2020 no one believed any of them. And that was precisely because of long experience with fairly regular pandemic influenza outbreaks! It might also strike people as curious that globally, National Task Forces advising the Chief Executive have been composed overwhelmingly of medical ‘specialists’ who have never dealt with or treated a COVID patient.
The origins of this confused orthodoxy, of course, flowed from Wuhan, December 2019 onwards. Christian Drosten (now the subject of various lawsuits for misstating his credentials and for alleged research anomalies) mints a PCR test for SARS-2 before the virus has even been sequenced. And this self-confessed ‘non-diagnostic’ test is whisked into becoming the global “gold standard” for diagnosis including the very mass testing of asymptomatics that its EUA said should be explicitly inapplicable for it. The Pfizer/BioNTech spike-based mRNA ‘vaccines’ are somehow invented a few weeks later! In the past a minimum safety protocol was 3 to 4 years, much less with a completely new experimental gene therapy.
The next stage of the drama was the Chinese quarantine of the Hubei Province, with weird apocalyptic videos flooding the internet, and WHO subsequently cooing and fawning at the authoritarian response. Never mind now that there has been a mass disappearance of Corona from China after this ‘magical’ lockdown, the exigencies of panic back then led to mass testing in Lombardy. Italy went in for mass shutdown leading to disastrous deaths rippling across care homes. When the dust settled, the head of public health in Italy declared only 12% of the deaths were actually primarily caused by COVID. This is, of course, not in any major headline, but prosaically footnoted for those willing to dig.
And then in March, Neil Ferguson published and disseminated his disastrously inaccurate modelling from Imperial College that provided kindling for panic as the global religion. While the rest of the world shut down, China since then stayed largely open and continued to prosper. In different ways the open economy example was also followed by Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Vietnam (at saner times in their response history).
Up until 2019 the overwhelming consensus was, respiratory viruses are inevitable, we should protect the vulnerable as best we can and otherwise let the virus circulate and become endemic. But there is a basic premise of psychology, as terrorism response also demonstrates (evidenced by the shoes we keep taking on and off while traveling and all those water bottles we dare not have on board), that once panicked, ‘de-converting’ people is virtually impossible.
Containment policies have failed having been premised on panic or outright fraud, leaving in the vortex, dashed expectations that have turned early political and bureaucratic advocates into dogma spewing zealots. Since overwhelming data proves that the policies (lockdowns, masking, gene therapy) have little or no positive real-world impact and backfire, it has become increasingly necessary for all countries to do as many useless things as possible and by copying each other, to do the same useless things everywhere. This is lest they leave some pointless stone unturned and be pilloried for what happens next. The rhetorical whitewash for the lack of impact is to assert ‘imagine how many more would have died if we hadn’t…’
Media hype has inflated even a visit to the hairdresser or to the supermarket as a “death defying act” needing constant “masking,” distancing and incessant sterilising. This, even though, food emporiums and indoor markets had no clusters or outbreaks associated with them during the height of the pandemic, virtually anywhere. A breath from your child (though kids are responsible for virtually no spread) and down go the relatives! It is beyond absurd. Social and scientific fiction as virus pageantry.
Since we cannot confess lockdowns are pointless, despite the living proof from Sweden and Florida and more, the desperation to avoid never ending economic meltdown through “leaky vaccines” is giving way to a desperate rush for antivirals, again not fully tested, and many times more expensive than demonstrably effective repurposed drugs – with clearly no safety concerns after decades and billions of doses – as per the WHO’s own database!
A legion of sad learnings
We have sadly learned that many global politicians are corrupt, hopelessly, haplessly, and are eminently for sale.
When money and power translate to influence and are how elections are mounted and run, democracy cannot help but be a sham. “Mass voting” does not produce democracy either, absent real governance.
Those in power are without scruples, there is no reason to expect scruples, they will do what they can to amplify control and exploitation. We have to be less readily seduced and able to challenge, inquire, push back and affirm the accountability at least stitched into our civic and political infrastructure. The system cannot stand to be scrutinised.
Many “radical” movements are not “radical” as in going to the root. They funnel discontent along channels that don’t threaten the prevailing power bloc.
There are no “dissident” voices on mass media. That would be an oxymoron. You will recognise an original voice when you hear one. Our moral leaders throughout history demonstrate that.
Public criticism, inconvenience or financial challenge, will usually immobilise individuals.
The mainstream media is largely a propaganda machine; the enforcement power of the state is deployed when we lack facts by which to enrol people; so called “experts” will support whatever stance funds their work and lifestyle.
Citizens must step into the breach. We have to support real leaders seeking to advance society progressing aims. Progress in the quality of human life, not in “automation” and “industrialisation” is what we seek. Otherwise, we may just “progress” ourselves into perpetuating a dystopian nightmare.