Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Saturday, 22 January 2022 00:10 - - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
Will the “vaccines” hinder the development of natural immunity post-infection? – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara
As I last wrote, the pandemic “narrative” we have all been hostage to, is in trouble. WHO has now said the manic Biden frenzy to “jab” healthy children has no basis in evidence. We will do a deeper dive into the Faucian delusions on this front, but suffice it to say for now, that is a staggering rebuke, with no public equivocation.
And this came directly from the Chief Scientist of the WHO, Dr. Soumiya Swaminathan, “There is no evidence right now that healthy children or adolescents need boosters. No evidence at all.” Senator Rand Paul asks the unanswerable question, “Why is the government pushing booster vaccines on kids for a disease that is less deadly in children than the seasonal flu?”
Given Sri Lanka’s medical deference to WHO norms, and hopefully our willingness to consult actual data, these insights and challenges need immediate and mainstream attention.
Hot on the heels of this, Boris Johnson has announced “Plan B” restrictions in the UK are being scrapped and face masks needn’t be worn…this to the background of loud Parliamentary cheering…a turning tide at last?
In the case of the UK, “Partygate” has certainly escalated the issue. Peter Hitchens, writing in the “Mail on Sunday” asks with searing clarity, “How ridiculous it is to watch the nation in a frenzy about the office party, when it sat in dumb stupor through the greatest attack on its freedom in centuries.”
Yes, and happily the Chambers here in Sri Lanka have finally been ringing the alarm bells as the economic devastation and the shocking educational meltdown, mushroom and multiply, though again, everyone seemed so blithe and sanguine as we flirted with prolonged self-inflicted disaster as a vastly overwrought response to what is akin to an influenza strain – one that in Asia and Africa has never been “pandemic.”
Yes, it’s time for societies to own up. We all have some instincts about the limits of power and authority, what reasonably can be asserted by governments for two weeks, and how that becomes a con job when extended for years. Not even in war have rights been so egregiously infringed. Especially as “The Great Plague”, on the numbers, and on global mortality outcomes since, so clearly was not among us.
Speaking of Britain, Hitchens adds, “Missing in action were almost all the Members of Parliament who had been elected to preserve our constitution and liberties. Busy on the side of folly was Her Majesty’s Opposition, an army of uselessness which collapsed uncritically into support for measures not previously seen outside Communist China.”
And, now as the fear factories, not only in Whitehall but in Belgium and DC have been upstaged by the mildness of Omicron, confirmed by the South African experience and the resolute mining of Danish data, off ramps are being sought. Or are they?
An awakening or a feint?
We are hearing this more and more, that we may be on the brink of “emerging” from the pandemic and living with COVID as with seasonal respiratory ailments.
But we need more vigilance, not less. As the authoritarian “centralised digital control” mob may not be capitulating, but just calling a “time out” for doughnuts and coffee. Because the authoritarian reflexes and agenda, with COVID playing Trojan Horse, can mutate if we’re not careful.
Beware mask ubiquity, though even the CDC in the US now confirms the cloth masks are not of much use. They say “for this variant” but that is just rhetorical fodder.
Let us see if the NHS in the UK (and its kin elsewhere) will remain primarily a COVID-first member’s club staffed by those intimidated by runny noses, until in some ways, such “handling” becomes a greater public health menace than the pathogen?
Will the public finally demand an end to hypochondriacal testing for travel from tests that throw up false positives galore? Will we see the silliness of calling “double jabbed” still “not fully vaccinated”? And is the “lab leak” theory still inappropriate for public discussion, lest some alleged “international harmony” fall prey to the actual facts?
Are we able to demand safety data from these experimental gene therapies posing as “vaccines” at last? Can alternative therapeutics get undistorted prime time attention as the wreckage of “no treatment” becomes too ridiculous to entertain?
If all this just goes into hibernation, a “time out” from flat out tyranny, undermining of education and enterprise, and what through inflicting poverty and ignoring early treatments has bordered on murder, while adulation is showered upon heinous political and uber rich perpetrators for having “saved” us from their own smoke and mirrors, then we had best beware. Interventionist approaches that clearly backfired and did nothing to dissuade COVID from reappearances and mutations, have to be discredited and shelved conclusively for the future as the noxious nonsense they have demonstrated themselves to be.
So, antennae need to stay up, and we have to ensure “resilience” isn’t bastardised into meaning our endless fortitude to endure the crippling duplicity of global political leaders, rather than our ability to survive and even thrive in the face of genuine external challenges.
What kind of expertise was it?
We have to beware of expertise in some ways. Due to lockdowns, babies are more at risk from natural viral risks like RSV. Viruses were spread less due to the insanity of “lockdown” and natural immunity has clearly taken a beating. This is not a discussion that has been widespread. Why not?
And when you are identified as an “expert” then you can get incentivised to be so obsessed with one risk, that all other empirical observations fall by the wayside. You would think it a rather self-evident proposition that ripping up the natural functioning of human society, and with it how we build up resistance to disease, might kick loose massive problems ranging from mental atrophy and deterioration to economic decline, surging undiagnosed or untreated cancer, to reduced immunity. And if “expertise” keeps us from seeing the glaringly obvious, then the “blinkers” that accompany the expertise may render it moot, or just inapplicable.
Taking a larger canvas, RSV and CMV, causing more serious cases may be devastating to the concerned parents, but perhaps not as globally overwhelming by itself. But it is terrifying as just one piece of countless impacts enmeshed in other contexts and scenarios, like the “third bucket kids” (“first bucket” those in physical schools, “second bucket” those virtually being schooled, “third bucket” where education ceases) so powerfully written about in the Daily FT (https://www.ft.lk/columns/World-s-first-post-pandemic-treaty-must-agree-to-never-again-close-schools-South-Asia-can-lead-it/4-729316), with lives and prospects and basic nutrition and life viability, capsized. These multiplying and interlocking contexts and impacts are a potential social, economic, psychological and humanitarian tsunami.
In the name of “annihilating COVID” which is medically incoherent given animal reservoirs are involved, and all you can hope for is for the virus to become endemic, the “experts” revealed the sorry state of their practical competence. Again, how do you “lock in” an airborne pathogen? Who cares about “masking” rather than spacing or ventilation? And hence “masking” outdoors where recorded spread is virtually zero, is exponentially absurd.
When you take a pathogen, that by early 2020 we statistically knew was only mildly a threat, and that to those above 65 and those with multiple comorbidities, and exclusively focus on it, and create global pageantry around its “management”, excluding all other concerns or priorities or rights, then we have an unprecedented farce. And these “experts” racking up failure after failure (none more so than the grotesquely overpaid and bizarrely venerated Fauci and his kin Ferguson) proclaimed their self-professed conviction in their “mathematics” predicting the future and how they were going to “keep everyone safe” with measures that have only added to death and devastation. And these clowns continue peddling their witch’s brew.
Fauci follies
You have to admire his stamina (and too many of his cohorts around the world) for hopeless, consistent, scrupulously incorrect conclusions about almost every single COVID policy.
Having been “spanked” by WHO about the lack of science re jabbing kids, we might revisit Fauci’s position that “vaccines” were 100% effective at preventing hospitalisation and death, and when they weren’t, he flip flopped to being “certain” of the need for a third vaccine dose. By the way, the global narrative has followed him in lockstep.
Then the “need” became to prevent sickness. A brief look at the two most “vaccinated” US states, Rhode Island and Vermont, with 50% of the population “boosted”, have skyrocketing “cases”. Rhode Island ranks first in population adjusted case rate, and Vermont third. Go to Iceland, 60% with booster shots, even those who aren’t eligible wanted to get on the unmerry go round, at high or higher uptake than anyone on earth we know of. Not only is Iceland erupting with “cases”, but fully vaccinated people also have the highest case rates by a significant margin! Ergo if that’s even possible, California and New York with high caseloads and hospitalisations and increasing deaths are presenting statistically impossible data after doing “age adjustments.”
Marin County has 80% of seniors boosted and hospitalisations have just reached a new record high for the area. South Africa smiles by comparison, barely 27% “vaccinated” and deaths plummeting, even cases continuing to evaporate as Omicron displaced Delta.
So Fauci was wrong, in this and virtually everything else. Masks, cloth or otherwise stopping spread (they haven’t anywhere), school closures (a human rights violation and ridiculous except it’s easy to buckle to teachers’ unions), and indeed the lab leak theory, boosters, add it in and add it on. And the ramifications extend far beyond the US. Quebec, apropos of nothing other than the floodlights of frenzy (who ever thought we might ever allude to Canadians thus?) is making third shots mandatory.
One of the surprising aspects of the US surge is that unlike in the UK, hospitalisations have hit record levels, especially in the northern eastern states. However, this may be an artifact of incidental hospital admissions, as that data in the US is (conveniently) not routinely published. Even deaths are headed up in some states, and this includes some of the most “vaccinated” states in the northeast (though some of this spike data is pre-Omicron). Worth another look when the data dust has settled.
All that said, the Omi-surge too is peaking. According to data compiled by JP Morgan the “effective reproduction number in the US returned to 1.0 on 16 January, only 31 days after the Omicron variant first pushed it over 1.0 in mid-December.”
“Vaccine” meltdown
The UK Health Security Agency has been pilloried for publishing facts that were “inconvenient” re “vaccine” efficacy. Blogs posts of “disclaimers” ensued, desperately seeking to “grey out” the inconvenient yet incontrovertible conclusions. Then, 20 January, a new attempt…only calculating cases, hospitalisations and death rates for the “unvaccinated” and “triple vaccinated”, attempting to negate the optics of “negative efficacy.” Alas, it still doesn’t work.
First, we know these are “positive tests” not “actual infections” (PCR distortions continue to abound, particularly in the UK, where Cycle Threshold/Ct settings are still routinely as high as 45!). But amalgamating from last week’s reports and this week’s, data miners have kindly served up what UKHSA didn’t want us to see. So, this is data from 20 December to 16 January.
Without allowing for the third shot to have waned even, from the ages of 30 through to 80+, by far the largest case impact is for the “merely” double “vaccinated”, and the thrice jabbed are still higher than the “unvaccinated”. So, we have clearly, on the data, a “pandemic” of the “vaccinated.”
Going to deaths, which are relatively “flat” (Omicron accentuating the Delta disconnect here), even at relatively peak efficacy, above 70 (the most vulnerable), the twice and thrice jabbed deaths overtake the unvaxxed, and literally “skyrocket” by comparison in the 80+ age profile, where most protection is needed.
We now come to another predicament. Namely, will the “vaccines” hinder the development of natural immunity post-infection? It’s settled that for $ 100 billion, the mRNA “vaccines” don’t stop COVID infections and Moderna has been banned for the “below 30” in more than one jurisdiction. Medical “miracle” of hoodwinking the data illiterate!
The concern is now whether these “vaccines” could add to their trove of side effects by causing long-term damage to immunity by slowing the overall growth of B- and T-cells (the parts of the immune system that are primed to recognise and attack the SARS-CoV-2 virions upon reinfection). They could also undermine the capability of those cells to successfully attack new variants of the spike protein.
Remember we have demanded a thousand million humans (more than a billion) to be “treated” to this new technology, with so called “trials” that lasted a few months, for a technology never used by approved medicine before. The most dangerous, scandalous medical experiment in history, given the plethora of therapeutics available for an age stratified illness with an over 99% recovery rate for everyone not seriously afflicted with other illnesses below 70!
Study after study has shown natural immunity to be hardier, more robust and longer lasting. Last Tuesday itself the US CDC again confirmed this fact, published a paper comparing infections, massaging (of course) the findings by excluding “partially vaccinated”. The study began in late May, near the peak of protection for “vaccinated” Americans. After a few weeks of protective cover, “vaccine” protection plunged, while natural immunity kept getting stronger. By mid-July, “vaccinated” people were four times more likely to be infected, and the gap stayed consistent until the study ended in November! You can see this here: (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e1.htm.)
But, even more pressing, will these “vaccines” damage immunity ‘after’ they fail, people are “infected” and then recover again? Researchers, writing in Lancet, spoke of the uneven presence of T-cells, particularly the CD4+ which works with the immune system to create antibodies and CD8+ cells which directly attack and kill infected cells. Though the study proclaimed these were “robust”, CD8 cells that could detect the viral membrane were absent in all seven of the people studied. CD4 responses were better, but nearly all below 0.1%. Early days, but certainly with negative efficacy and with any stifling of immunity post recovery, we have escalating reasons to recover naturally or seek other therapeutic options – and once more, they abound.
The road out?
The UK Labour leader, Keir Starmer, spotted with some beer when in 2020 human exchanges were verboten in the alleged interests of “public health”, claimed he “technically” had not broken any rules. Of course, Sir Keir is not known to enjoy many manifestations of human exchange, so drinks with friends are fraught with reluctance at the best of times. Had he said, “I loathed every minute,” he would have been recognisable.
Going the Boris route of “technicalities” was boorish, hoisted on that proverbial petard for not extolling outright joylessness (in keeping with the Labour hedonic calculus). Rodd Liddle, writing in The Spectator, describes what bad form it is in Labour circles for a PM to go somewhere nice, when Labour revels in Margaret Becket’s preferred recreational form, “a vacation in a fold-up chair outside a caravan near a canal near Wakefield in the drizzle eating a ham sandwich with her spouse.”
With inflation soaring mercilessly and the economic and social consequences beginning to loom large, the 2020 COVID kabuki in the UK and elsewhere is not far from many minds…shopping once a week, one hour of exercise a day (with drones nearby), allowed to sit on a bench for 10 minutes maximum half way through your constitutional, dog walkers being harangued for being in the park, playgrounds shut, local shops devolving from idiotically “taped” distances to not letting anyone in at all. Hand sanitiser is of no use, but we keep manically dampening our immune system back in Lanka still. And for us, those were the 24/7 “curfew” days, because we were going to outdo other jurisdictions for unsupported mania.
These “revelations” are of elites using common sense. That other adult citizens were not allowed to exercise proportionality is the root of the outrage, plus the growing understanding we were mad to acquiesce.
So, what CJ Hopkins characterises as a “death cult” is in the pangs of unravelling. Even “experts” and “authorities” are stating “COVID deaths” and “hospitalisation statistics” are artificially inflated and unreliable (not of recent vintage, they were so from the beginning). Only by mangling the understanding of “vaccine” can anyone assert these “miracle” saviours are not miraculously inept and ineffective. We have unnecessarily damaged and killed people with our intemperate “cures”, we have kept people from treatment that was affordable and accessible, oh and lockdowns did nothing other than devastate societies and tear down the vitality and diversity of some of the world’s great cities.
Overall fatality rate once more, 0.1% to 0.5%...these are nowhere near “mass hysteria” numbers. The GloboCap “maestros” overestimated the endurance of gullibility and underestimated the native spittle of humans wishing to exercise their autonomous humanity.
And despite dogs, water cannons, plastic bullets, and beating people for wanting to breathe air and have a walk, this is ‘perhaps’ abating. Even though totalitarianism has to pose as a public service these days in most of the world, it cannot confess its political nature.
Eventually when the “apocalyptic pandemic” doesn’t show up in Africa, swathes of Asia, Sweden, Florida, you cannot really just survive on “virtual” infusions of terror via phone or web. There is no global health crisis (actually there never was), so we are now seeking “compliance certificates” over a cold! And in some deranged countries for an illness not of any real risk, for which we have abundant therapies, and where there is no excess mortality, we need our “certificates” to eat, shop, live?
But let’s pay attention to the death rattle. Gratuitous stupidity aside, let’s zealously keep our world aloft. Surely “testing” people can end and stimulating each other for fresh exploration and adventures that rebuild society can take over.
(The writer is the founder and CEO of EPL Global and founder of Sensei Lanka, a global consultant with over 30 years’ strategic leadership experience and now, since March 2020, a globally recognised COVID researcher and commentator.)
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