Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 00:01 - - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
Thirteen countries as of this writing have halted the use of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, Denmark investigating adverse effects, Norway, Austria, among others, following suit. Yet WHO says to carry on with this vaccine, as no “causal link” has been found to those deaths – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara
There are two prevailing nostrums that those who have opted not to capitulate to the popular “Covidian” narrative migrate to. The first is that we are experiencing the tremors and absurdities, tragedies and meltdowns, from a lattice-work of over-reaction and a patchwork quilt of misguided, histrionic stupidity.
The second is that we are experiencing the grand design of what is sometimes called “GloboCap”, those who wish to own, run and obscenely profit from the “new normal”.
PCR tests are challenged for legitimacy in Europe, and the “blinkers” stay on, even though WHO has also weighed in here and provided calibration and correction to standards for diagnosis and amplification settings and more. The precipitous plunge of “COVID cases” (positive tests) in the US, following that announcement, seem too discontinuous, but for the widescale application, post Trump, of that guidance.
Thirteen countries as of this writing have halted the use of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, Denmark investigating adverse effects, Norway, Austria, among others, following suit. Yet WHO says to carry on with this vaccine, as no “causal link” has been found to those deaths.
You get vaccinated, and you suddenly develop an adverse condition, get seriously sick, develop clots, or die. “It just happened,” seems satisfactorily plausible to the WHO, particularly when we can’t know, relatively untested as these are, what “chain reactions” they might cause?
In the US, with the mRNA vaccines, reported recently in the “Vaccine Adverse Effects” database maintained, a 49-year-old man and a 42-year-old woman, having heart attacks minutes after being vaccinated. So, it was a heart attack, not the vaccine, right? So, why don’t we use that logic on death certificates re COVID then?
The COVID mRNA vaccines now account for more side effects reports to the VAERS database since December than every other vaccine combined in the past year, and with more than 8 times the death reports. In Israel, despite a fact-defying PR campaign, vaccinated people made up almost one half of all Israeli COVID deaths in February and “fully vaccinated” made up almost 20%.
All this only to say, in a rational world, this would be explored, discussed and not politicised. But we are at a point where “data suppression” or “data magnification” are the norms.
So, sticking for now, with the “reality avoidance” plank, we cast our gaze to a bereft Manhattan, airport sepulchral, while Orlando and Miami are thronged. And the “official”’ response? Double down on masks, lockdowns, quarantines, woefully inadequate “stimulus” via feverishly printed currency and toss in a few windmills we can all tilt to.
Biden’s only strategy seems to be “jab everyone” and “continue to raid the central bank.” Do so, until reality ultimately pulls the plug. The only “heroes” out there seem to be courageous Swedish epidemiologists and Governors who don’t wish to enslave their populace or continue to mortgage their futures (Florida, Georgia, South Dakota, most recently Texas, Oklahoma, etc.)
And there is a rending of literal garments contending with the fact that “orthodoxy HQ”, the US and Europe, have the most disastrous COVID results on the planet. So why keep going to the architects of failed responses to receive guidance?
India’s death rate is one tenth the US rate, and Nigeria’s is one hundredth (God bless the inadvertent salvific benefit of cheap remedies used to treat other illnesses that seem to act as a COVID barrier, like HCQ and Ivermectin, widely available and in mass use in Asia and Africa). And Taiwan, neighbouring the mainland, with 24 million people, has a death rate a thousand times lower than the US. And why are the orthodoxy “poster children” like New York and California and the UK, utter COVID basket cases in terms of strangled liberty, imploding economies and recurrent surges?
A confused essay in The New Yorker meanders through numerous non-explanations about discordant results…inadequate testing in these outlier jurisdictions (who cares when mortality numbers are so low?), “hidden corpses” (ridiculous given the numbers that would have to be camouflaged across Asia and Africa), immune systems that are hardier (yes!), perhaps their governments were more decisive (cue up laugh track), or perhaps the populace was more docile re distancing and wearing masks (how much more docile than California can you be, and no one seeing throngs on both those continents entertains such a delusion seriously). Or perhaps they didn’t doctor death certificates so passionately, got more sun and fresh air, and used those cheaply available treatments unfairly pilloried to make room for the vaccination parade?
Imbecilic commentators refer to indoor dining bans as “justifiable in epidemiological terms.” Says who? And tell that to South Asia where indoor dining has been back for six months, and COVID death stats have barely budged. Sweden never banned indoor dining, friends in Florida point out they were at a restaurant, fully indoor, full to capacity, and Florida’s numbers showed no post Superbowl surge (the mass sporting event), much less from indoor dining. Anyone dining out in Sri Lanka can draw the same conclusion.
“Governments run by clowns” is the prevailing songbook (cue to Judy Collins’ gloriously haunting, wry song, “Send in the Clowns”, and as it ruefully implies, they are very much here).
Professor Sunetra Gupta, one of the authors of the unjustly maligned “Great Barrington Declaration” (now signed by over 40,000 global doctors and hundreds of thousands of citizens), points out that the incidence and severity of pandemics has steadily declined over decades of globalisation. How was that achieved? By locking up, and locking down? Of course not. It happened by immigration, tourism, air travel, trade and proverbial and literal intercourse among people, training our immune systems to recognise and rally to new threats.
Before that, pathogens caused true extinction threatening events like the Bubonic Plague, rival viral and bacterial catastrophes that kept the world’s population a tenth of what it is today, the last such being the Spanish Flu, which took 50 million people, when the world’s population was around 1.5 billion. Since then, epidemics have been increasingly less lethal, and where pathogens were deadly, like SARS, they were mercifully far less infectious.
With C-19, a 99% recovery rate below 65, and 95% above 70, except for those with serious pre-existing conditions, and an eight billion strong population attesting to the robustness of our immune systems, mass derangement is required to panic at another coronavirus even if “novel.” And we know now from antibody responses in people who had past strains of influenza or other coronaviruses, that it may not be that “novel” after all.
As Professor Gupta points out, xenophobic sequestration and masks, and unprecedented quarantining of the healthy and manically retesting the healthy and “fantasising” about asymptomatic transmission with no evidentiary scaffolding that doesn’t collapse under a modicum of scrutiny, is not how our immunity was attained.
Exposure, trade and openness as we said, established it. So our remedies are historically retrograde and may create a new dark age for our immune systems that may render us actually vulnerable to future viral strains. Or it may leave us even more helpless against past illnesses we were gaining mastery over.
Just multiply the number of life years potentially lost from children not getting measles vaccination due to the COVID medical mafia obsession – much more money to be made here of course – and you will get a number very likely larger than the death certificate doctored, inflated COVID figures we have. Measles vaccination was paused in 26 countries, roughly 94 million children at risk of not getting measles vaccines, and given their age, and the measles death rate, considering the number of life years potentially lost, the math is terrifying.
The conspiracy?
The other squint, is “the conspiracy”. The “New Normal” has been called “pathologised totalitarianism”. In too much of the so-called “free world” you can still be fined and arrested for being outdoors without a valid reason, or if outdoors in the wrong neighbourhood. Only recently the UK Police finally balked at accosting people enjoying sunshine in the park without quizzing them on where they lived or how far they had travelled.
Protest is muzzled, dissent is censored. Official propaganda inundates daily lives (I am so proud of Sri Lanka for having walked back from this nonsense, and those lecturing us on “human rights” may have some valid points for us to wrestle with, but they need to gaze long and hard in a mirror themselves).
Absurd intrusions into everyday lives are rife – from 17 May in the UK, two households “might” be allowed to mix in homes, whereas “the rule of six” could apply in pubs! For a middling pathogen which, adjusting for age and population, has only managed to give us excess deaths unmatched since…2008 in the UK, even if every “with” COVID death is counted as a “from” COVID death, this seems hysteric…pushing the thresholds of how meekly people will oblige the political junta.
And mass vaccination of humanity, with creepy “vaccine passports” which eerily resemble ancestry certificates say critics, or in the words of one eminent commentator, “any other fascistic apartheid-type documents.” And this for a virus that causes for virtually everyone, mild to moderate flu-type symptoms and has no effect on age-adjusted death rates and is in line with normal mortality.
The so called “conspiracy theorists” said such control once asserted would not be readily relinquished. So far, so true. A transition is underway. We started with “apocalypse” to ever extending global emergency, with suspension of constitutional rights, and all the “shock and awe” regalia of soldiers, police, surveillance, cameras, military drones, even robot dogs, all “for our own good” and for “saving lives.”
As Peter Hitchens wrote, the rulers of the Soviet Empire, as everything became increasingly frayed and unmanageable, would have been thrilled by having such a credulous populace as we find clinging to paternalistic apron strings today. Those autocrats were used to being disbelieved and jeered at, despite running a literal police state.
So, we have been showered with carefully staged photos of people dropping dead in the street, ICU wards overwhelmed, makeshift morgue trucks, (no ICU units were ever overwhelmed beyond a few days, all these hospital ships sailed off unused), madcap projections of hundreds of millions dead when there was zero evidence, and all evidence to date, rebuts this nonsense dramatically. Orwellian slogans galore and every “authoritative” media stooge let loose on our gullibility. Eminent dissenting doctors and researchers were marginalised, attacked, lampooned, vilified.
Having produced the required “subservience”, having destabilised expectations of normalcy and civility, and having driven home the powerlessness of those who allegedly “elect” these scoundrels, it’s time to move on.
So, now, we are to feel overwhelmed with gratitude for having untested vaccines put into our bodies, with unsubstantiated efficacy thrown at us. As “martial law” is lifted, what once was our “right,” becomes something we coo over in sheer joy, blessing our masters for condoning our right to take a walk, have a drink, visit family, or even get deferred medical care, and ‘perhaps’ have kids in school so an entire generation is not utterly undermined. And let’s drop a few packages of food on those we’ve imposed starvation on over “models” and look the other way at their devastation as our next food delivery and online streaming entertainment gallop to our diversion.
A few stimulus checks to demonstrate largesse, and to the “shell-shocked”, a precarious sliver of freedom, always being reminded, that one “variant”, one surge of fickle tests that can’t be trusted, and everything stops. Says who?
The unfathomable economic devastation that will eventually outlast our attempt to manipulate and mass print our way out of, and the erosion of the arts, of our uninhibited expression, of natural vitality, may eventually come home to roost.
Through the conspiracy prism, the “new normal” is government being able to intervene, usurping liberty and economic freedom upon the slightest viral spasm. Germany is currently Kafkaesque with a sad parody of a (5 Step) plan: bookshops and florists open first (?) with a one person per 10 square meter limit, 10 people can play non-contact sports, five people from not more than two households can meet up, but if the “incidence” of positive PCR tests (which “diagnose” nothing in and of themselves, as now also confirmed by WHO), then “hard lockdown” returns!
Two weeks of viral good behaviour and suitable acquiescence by the populace, and outdoor dining (though globally indoor dining factually demonstrates one of the lowest transmission percentages for infection), theatres, cinemas and opera houses can open. If PCR tests go up though, pre-booking for dining, and doubtless we will have armed goons inspecting bookings to “ensure compliance”. For a flu, this is a “free” society?
DC still has the National Guard for reasons that defy any rational explanation. Fortunately, US States have the wherewithal and legal grounds to go back to life (exotic things like having dinner, taking a walk, going to school, moving around without face diapers), and those that have exercised this, are flourishing, demonstrating what nonsense the “nonscience” is. But these are “fringe” states by comparison, for the conspiracist, as long as the coastal elites, and financial centres bend a knee, we’re fine.
This coincides in the popular culture with enforcing “thoughtcrimes” for daring to ask questions about vaccines (anti-vaxxer), or challenge COVID paranoia (denier), or point out masks can’t keep out nanoparticles (against the science). All this is getting us to a place where deviating from the political ideology becomes an “illness” or a “psychiatric disorder.” You need “treatment” or else to be censured.
And these “conspiracy” folks remind us that PCR tests were pushed through a sham review, and the manufacture of these tests were being authorised way back in January 2020, well before anything “pandemic” like was seen. A year later, goalposts keep moving, and the utter right to impose fetters on life seems unquestioned.
Any moral high ground is lost, and “GloboCap” seems at least sinister and malevolent in its intentions, and countries in Asia and Africa, thankfully too economically on the edge to entertain such madness, may end up, curiously as the bastions of enterprise, initiative and autonomy…at least to some extent.
Rounding up
Whether in the “woes” or “conspiracy” column, a few things for us to all chew on.
1) Japan had high infection levels and very low mortality. Mask wearing is ubiquitous, but it did not help in the slightest with a terrible influenza outbreak in 2019. No “lockdown” in Japan, lots of public transport, densely populated. While they have been alarmist re travel, locally they essentially demonstrated the “light touch” herd immunity proposition.
2) As ventilators stopped being used in intensive care units, COVID death rates fell. We were literally “killing” people with our treatment(s) early on. Let’s make sure those lessons have been learned.
3) Psychological pain and distress, especially among the younger, is an epidemic. In NY and neighbouring States, virtually no child/adolescent inpatient psych beds available. Great achievement, eh?
4) UK’s “modellers” consistently get disease outbreaks far wrong, starting from foot and mouth disease in 2001. Cornell University reports: “Positive results from UK single gene testing for SARS-CoV-2 may be inconclusive, negative or detecting past infections.”
5) Infection peaks lined up around the world, regardless of climate or interventions. Across the English-speaking world, C-19 cases peaked within the same few days, 9 January Canada/10 Jan UK and
Ireland/11 Jan USA and South Africa. Go fish!
6) Misattributed deaths are rife (as mentioned). Bel Mooney, writing in The Mail Online in the UK says: “My dad Ted passed three COVID tests and died of a chronic illness, yet he’s officially one of Britain’s 120,000 victims of the virus” (by misclassification). So, she asks, “How many more are there?”
She adds, “Why would a country wish to skew its mortality figures by, I believe, wrongly certifying deaths? What has been going on?” She concludes, “The way ‘COVID’ deaths have been counted is a national scandal.” US doctors in numerous states have sounded the same alarm.
7) Testing is not uniform, riddled with false positives, and warring protocols, and per WHO, PCR should not be used to diagnose asymptomatics certainly in mass screening. A PhD in immunology and virology, Lab technician, in California, decided to retest 1,500 positive COVID samples, all were found to be flu (Influenza A or B). He sent samples to labs at seven universities (including Stanford and Cornell), all replicated his results. He posted on YouTube, his commentary has been removed. It can only be located on He and other researchers have asked CDC for a purified sample. They say they have none. A lawsuit has been filed.
8) Three million cancer screenings were cancelled in the UK alone, multiply that worldwide and you have to realise this is worse than WWI trench warfare in pointlessness and deadliness.
We can celebrate Sri Lanka’s emancipation from this cult. We have some balancing still to do here at home, some consistency in policies and to declare the reality of what we are and aren’t facing as we seek to revive economic sectors.
But we can claim the high ground. We needn’t take tuition from the most disastrous jurisdictions on the globe. We can simply and resolutely affirm and engage the best of our productive and creative energies and make Sri Lanka’s future sustainably better than this recent pathetic pathogenic debacle…let’s claim a future bigger than our fears and worthy of our aspirations.
Bel Mooney’s father, drove dispatches in the dark in World War II. His generation didn’t cower, they transcended fear for freedom. Like him and his peers, we have to ride to the light and claim that same freedom.
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