Ornamental live fish exports need national priority

Friday, 1 November 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The notable feature of our exports during the last few years was the decline in exports, an ominous signal to the economy. The reasons behind this decrease were local and foreign market factors such as high cost of production, lack of strategic strength, non-preference by Western countries and economic crises in the occidental world. Major products manufactured in Sri Lanka which took take the precedent role in contribution to the export trade also shown a declining trend. Under this situation, the export of fresh and marine water ornamental fish has significantly maintained export strength except in 2012 and now is showing nearly a 20% increase in exports in 2013 up to August compared to the previous year. Contribution of fresh water and marine water ornamental fish to the total export comes to nearly 0.4 %. Even if the percentage seems to be small, it carries a continuous share of its contribution to the national development. It is of much importance to look into this sector in a positive manner to take to a priority area of exports as Sri Lanka is rich with resources related these products. Popular hobby Ornamental fish keeping is one of the most popular hobbies in the world today. Some people believe that looking at these fish moving in tanks provides mental relaxation and it is an ideal tool for mediation. Even scientists believe that looking at the fish provides stress and frustration reduction. The keeping of fish as pets is not harmful to human health like other pets. The hobby of keeping colourful fish in tanks has a long history. The first such fish kept as a pet is the Gold Fish (Carassius auratus). According to historians, it was popular in China and first historical records in this regard go back to the Ming Dynasty in China (1368–1644). But all Sri Lankans should be proud that during King Dutugemunu’s time (161 BC to 137 BC), Sri Lanka kept gold fish as a hobby. Archaeologists discovered the gold fish park or Ranmasu Uyana which is located below the bund (dam) of the Tisawewa tank in Anuradhapura. It is considered to have been the royal park/pleasure gardens with granite ponds. It is interesting to note that in an inscription it is stated that, somewhere in this park, there had been a pond with Gold Fish. The Vessagiriya inscription of King of 4th Mihindu has mentioned this garden as a Gold Fish Park. This proves that Sri Lanka was the first country that kept ornamental fish as a hobby. Industry development Ornamental fish developed as an industry with the development of the aviation industry. It made a path to become a global trade. With the development of new technologies in the modern world such as aquaculture technology, water management systems, better understanding of nutrition and aquatic disease management and many other branches of animal husbandry, sciences have supported the development of this industry as a global industry. Today it has became a global item with nearly US$ 0.5 billion in trade. Asian countries maintain the large number of supply to the world. Singapore is the largest exporter of ornamental fish and recently Spain came to first place. Over 100,000 varieties of ornamental fish are moving around the world, with the USA, EU and Japan being the leading buyers. Sri Lanka The ornamental fish industry of Sri Lanka originated with the establishment of the Zoological Gardens in the early 1940s. A few industrialists were involved in breeding fish before, but not on a commercial basis. Of the few reputed personalities who encouraged divers on collection of marine fish as a hobby was Sir John Kotelawala. However, the first public aquarium was established in 1952. During a period of 60 years the industry became commercialised with the celebration of its 50 year anniversary by some companies like Lumbini Aquarium and Aquamarines International Private Ltd. Today nearly 50 leading companies export about 1,000 varieties of fresh and marine water ornamental fish to over 50 countries. Leading exporters on large-scale business of aquariums located in Colombo suburban areas and Negombo region have started moving to Mahaveli and dry zone rural areas. The prevalent peaceful environment in the north and east has caused the expansion of the industry into the tropical climatic locations in the island. Exports Sri Lanka exports over 1,000 varieties of ornamental fish to the tune of Rs. 1,400 m to around 40 countries world over. It is nearly 1.2% of total world exports. This industry has high expansion of potential available with an abundance of natural resources. Unbelievably, charming fish of various kinds never seen before could be captured in plenty around Sri Lanka. Availability of professional divers who routinely maintain the supply of marine fish is a remarkable advantage towards development of the industry. Recent records indicate that nearly 120 species have been registered from inland waters. Rivers, reservoirs and lakes with fresh water provide a natural environment for sustenance of fresh fish. This has encouraged the Government to promote production of fresh fish in the Central Province. Sri Lanka has 82 species of indigenous fresh water fish, out of which 54 species have been approved for export. As the varieties of fresh water ornamental fish are limited, the industry has been concentrating mainly on marine water ornamental fish from the beginning given the vast area in the ocean. Today marine live fish comprise 75% of its ornamental fish exports. Innovative and alternative measures However, restrictions on the import of ocean fish have been enforced by the occidental nations of the world, causing a difficult situation for trade of marine fish. Fortunately, Sri Lankan breeders, particularly of the younger generation, have braved the challenges with innovative and alternative measures taken to buttress the situation. The new generation involved in breeding ornamental fish for export are qualified in professional education directly related to the fish industry. Some of them have marine biology degrees from world-reputed universities and have utilised their knowhow for new innovations with high security measures adopted for the ocean. A striking example is the introduction of new varieties of sea horse by companies like Aquamarines International Ltd. In early 2000, steps were taken to breed a variety of sea horse fish under the technical name Hippocampus Reidi netted from Brazilian sea exported with great success. Later the new varieties of Hippocampus (Sea Horse), Hippocampus Comes, Hippocampus Trimaulatues and Hippocampus Kudda sea horse fish were captured from the sea and effectively bred. In addition, varieties of shrimps like Fire Shrimp and Cleaner Shrimp were also introduced. Today the export of new varieties of fish has earned the highest export value. The objective of this research was mainly to secure the environment. The cost of this marine fish is seven times higher than the fish captured from the ocean. Despite the high price of fish, the hobbyists have no qualms in purchasing as this system gives protection to these attractive fish as well as the environment. Varieties of new products of artificial rocks and possibility of coral farming were introduced on experimental basis by Aqua Marine International Ltd., opening the opportunity of a new venture to be developed to a lucrative business. Apparently, building ornamental fish villages in Sri Lanka has been proposed. Hopefully the new experiment may help develop the industry! Coral and artificial rock industry It is imperative for the Government to give priority to improve the industry with the support of the Government. Ornamental fish is usually brought up moving with corals and live stock, etc. Today experiments are being launched on upgrading the coral farming projects in Sri Lanka more effectively. Most nations have volunteered to help develop the coral farming project in their countries as a protective measure for corals in the ocean and it will be a commercially viable industry. In appreciation of the effort taken by the companies to expand the industry with coral farming projects, it is the responsibility of the Government to grant necessary approval sought by the companies without any delays in support of its endeavour of developing the industry. As a result of experiments made already, it is possible that export of artificial rocks on a commercial scale will be launched in the near future. Tax rates will be considerably high despite this being a small-scale business venture. So the onus is on the exporters to stress the demand for tax concessions in their efforts to elevate the development of the artificial rock industry. As a school of thought it is suggested to open aquarium parks in the city that would make the people mentally relaxed. It is important that the Government looks into the possibilities to link this with its urban development activities. Electricity charges Another predominant factor is the high rise in electricity charges. It is suggested to address this issue with equal facilities enjoyed by other commercial organisations to be extended to this industry as well. The potential for the marine fish industry in northern waters post-war has become highly optimistic with the increasing trend of fishing in the region. The environment is peaceful and fishermen can to be engaged in their job quite freely sans threat of terrorism. If the opportunity is given, the divers in the south skilled with professional expertise are willing to train northern divers as a gesture of reconciliatory goodwill. It is the virtue of necessity on the part of the Government to play the major role in taking all essential measures to have suitable protection for divers in the northern and eastern waters. Discovery of new varieties It lends credence to the breeders whose ventures have taken protective measures of nurturing endemic species evidently justified by the discovery of new varieties of species. Daino Pathirana discovered by Ananda Pathirana is a case in point. Chairman of Aquamarines International Ltd. Ananda Pathirana and Director Yohan Pathirana by their research in 2001 in Kegol and Nuckels successfully collected eight specimens in an effort to checkmate the disappearance of this rare species. Braving a difficult challenge, breeding of a large quantity of fish was begun, encouraging the release of 2,000 and 2,500 with the participation of the local community and the blessings of the Department of Wildlife. The entire nation salutes them in appreciation of this excellent service. Today the breeders are effectively utilising advanced technology for development of the industry with no harm whatsoever to the environment. Most importantly, capture of rare varieties of marine fish from around the world and breeding them with new scientific resources methodically should be encouraged. Culturing aquarium plants in aquariums is currently in the experimental stage. New technical knowhow being applied to secure the longevity of fish and new packaging techniques to reduce the weight has showcased vast progress. Support extended by Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) and NARA to uplift the industry is encouraging. The service rendered by the officials assigned for the development of the industry from NARA and EDB in close communication with the exporters has gained high recognition. As proposed by the President Mahinda Rajapaksa in his budget speeches, the implementation financial grant program to develop innovation on fresh and marine ornamental fish industry by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board with the various bureaucratic barriers is commendable. (The writer is the retired former Head of Corporate Affairs and Communications – Sri Lanka Export Development Board. He can be reached at [email protected].)

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