Annual Bikeathon for 1333 line held for 10th year

Saturday, 23 September 2023 00:06 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel

For the 10th year, the annual Bikeathon, for 1333 line, concluded on 10 September, which is the world’s suicide prevention day. For 13 days, 20 riders, rode 1333 km around the country covering 13 cities, carrying the message of hope, and promoting the 1333 hotline, for anyone to call, 24x7, in all three languages, which is manned by volunteers who will listen to anyone’s problems and provide free counselling. 

On average 10 people die by suicide and many more who attempt, but not in statistics. Mental health is an important issue to be addressed in Sri Lanka and many do not talk and resolve their issues due to a problem that they cannot share with anyone. 

The 1333 line provides crisis support and 100% confidentiality is maintained. Local and international riders take up the challenge to ride all parts of Sri Lanka carrying the message of hope and the 1333 hotline, and engage with the public for people to find relief from their mental pressures, and thereby reduce suicides. 

Riders braved bad weather both rain and the burning sun, headwinds and bad roads, cycling over 100 km per day, and personally supporting with funds to manage and keep the 1333 lines open.