Entrepreneurs’ Organisation SL members spearhead #EOsaysnotohunger and #EOSLfeedtheneed Food Drive

Thursday, 24 December 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

EO members donating lunch packs to Colombo Municipal Council staff who are directly engaged in the front-line performing PCR tests and COVID-19 prevention activities 

The Sri Lanka Chapter of the global Entrepreneurs’ Organisation (EO) has launched its #EOsaysnotohunger and #EOSLfeedtheneed Food Drive to provide relief to people struggling to make ends meet and feed their families on account of the pandemic. 

Members of EO SL and their families have been reaching out to the vulnerable and marginalised segments of society by donating food and distributing essential supplies, especially in areas which have been isolated. EO SL members have been dedicatedly documenting their interactions on social media to provide inspiration to more people to come forward and do the same. The EO membership is led by a vision to have a positive impact on deserving sections of society which currently do not have the financial means to stand on their own feet.

At such an uncertain time, apart from this food drive, EO SL is also extending support and guidance of other successful entrepreneurs for its members relook at their own strategies and goals despite challenges posed by the pandemic. Since EO is a non-profit, all dues are channelled towards enhancing member experience. 



EO members helping the needy with dry ration packs

EO members donating homemade food packets to homeless people on the streets