FootBalance to drive sub franchises with independent foot clinics across country

Saturday, 12 December 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

FootBalance Lanka management team – Anjana Gunatillake, Chaminda Jayanath and Rushdi Navavi

Since its launch in February this year, FootBalance Lanka has through its innovative concept of comprehensive foot analysis and individually moulded insoles made directly in-store, resulted in offering a solution to people suffering from foot problems ranging from sports related injuries, diabetic foot issues and those with misaligned feet. 

Due to the instant benefit offered through the brand, the product picked up momentum in the market and became the popular choice for prominent sportspeople, coaches, doctors and leading business personalities. 

FootBalance has now initiated a sub franchise program to help launch and partner independent foot clinics across the country, with the aim of supporting clients by making the FootBalance brand accessible and available to people in their own communities. 

This initiative comes in the wake of an intensive market study that showcased the need of the product in many regions of the country due to the high prevalence of flatfoot, with males being 47% and females 53%, respectively. In addition, with diabetes in Sri Lanka reported at 10.7% in 2019, leading to diabetic foot issues with some people has also led to the need of this product.

FootBalance will support the sub franchisees to not only offer treatments to customers but by also making available supporting products to help prevent injuries as well as providing state-of-the-art technology – 3D Foot Scan Machine for GAIT Analysis.

This will lead to extra revenue generation for the sub franchisees and give them the opportunity to upgrade their services by introducing FootBalance as well as providing the ability to operate as a one-stop-shop for foot related pains and misalignments.

FootBalance is also in the process of having discussions with key private hospitals, clinics and channel centres in expanding their services through offering the benefit of FootBalance treatments to relevant patients. 

FootBalance Lanka Director Marketing Anjana Gunatillake stated, “We are proud of the brand we have built and this venture was launched with the mission of continuing to enhance our offering in making the product accessible to everyone across all the regions of the country. Although many presume that custom insoles are meant for medical purposes, I want to stress that anyone – even people with neutral feet – will benefit from using them.”

He added, “We will support and ensure that our franchisees enter the market with a strong foundation and immense knowledge. Our goal is to create a new structure, with the help of passionate franchisees, that offers clients affordability without sacrificing the quality of service. We’re looking to be the leading solution provider in the country to help those with foot misalignments.”