HNB donates sophisticated cardiothoracic equipment to Heart Centre at Lady Ridgeway Hospital

Saturday, 17 October 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

HNB Chief Transformation Officer Chiranthi Cooray handing over the ACT machine to Lady Ridgeway Hospital Deputy Director Dr. Yapa Bandara

Sri Lanka’s leading private sector bank HNB PLC, donated an Activated Clotting Time (ACT) machine, a sophisticated cardiothoracic equipment, to the Heart Centre of the Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital.

The state-of-the-art machine provided by HNB’s Sustainability Foundation will be used to monitor patients in the ICU, where its use will be vital to ascertain the dosage of drugs required for patients in surgical and post-operative care. The machine was handed over to Lady Ridgeway Hospital in Colombo Deputy Director Dr. Yapa Bandara by HNB Chief Transformation Officer Chiranthi Cooray.

“Close to 3,000 babies are born each year with heart diseases and at least 2,500 of them will require cardiac surgery within the first few days or years of their lives in order to live a long happy life. Given that the Heart Centre is the only facility in Sri Lanka capable of offering affordable treatment for children with heart conditions, we felt that it was our duty to step forward and support the lifesaving work of the team of doctors, nurses, and administrators at Lady Ridgeway Hospital,” Cooray said commenting on the initiative. 

Notably, HNB has been supporting cancer patients at the Apeksha Hospital and maintaining a Cancer Counselling Centre through the HNB Sustainability Foundation.

Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children is a tertiary care children’s hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka. With a bed-strength of over 900, it is now considered to be the largest children’s hospital in the world. The hospital serves an average of nearly 2,500 to 3,000 patients a day while the centre provides close to 1,200 free cardiac surgeries annually.