Ninewells launches ‘Comprehensive Breast Care Clinic’

Saturday, 12 December 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The technologically-advanced mammogram machines

Ninewells Consultant Oncological Surgeon Dr. Aravinda Dissanayake


Ninewells Women and Children’s Hospital which since its inception have been at the forefront of the local medical sector specialising in women and childcare, recently opened its ‘Comprehensive Breast Care Clinic’ with the aim of extending its suite of comprehensive services for women across the country and in living up to its promise of a ‘Lifetime of Care’. 

The clinic’s top priorities are to create awareness on self-examination and early detection on breast care and breast cancer.

Breast cancer has grown into becoming one of the leading cancers in Sri Lanka. According to the World Health Organisation whilst it is  the most common type of cancer  with nearly 50% cases occurring in developing countries, it is also the most curable  where survival rates vary between 60%-80%. 

With nearly 3,000 cases being reported in Sri Lanka every year, the scarcity of proper procedures for early detection and treatment has resulted in the escalation of cases. Hence, the clinic has been instituted not just specifically targeted only for cancer patients but also for any other breast care related services, issues and compilations for all women across the country.

Speaking on the indications of breast cancer Consultant Oncological Surgeon at Ninewells Dr. Aravinda Dissanayake stated: “Early detection is the best outcome as it is important to remember that a patient could even not show symptoms but still be a carrier of the cancer, hence it is crucial for women to go in for regular tests and screenings which are provided at the clinic. If breast cancer is found and treated at an early stage, the survival rate is very high. However, if detection and treatment are delayed and the cancer metastasises to other internal organs, the survival rate reduces dramatically.”

The clinic currently operates on Thursdays between 4-6 pm and on Saturday between 10am-12 noon consisting of a pool of expertise to examine and treat patients together. The clinic will also include a female radiographer for ease and comfort of the patients. 

With regard to early detection, the clinic stated that it is of vital importance to get a yearly check-up done, especially after the age of 35. In doing so, the medical history will be recorded and thereafter, the relevant examinations will be carried out, including a breast examination as an initial screening process. The findings and recommendations of the specialists would then lead towards a detailed investigation as required.

Assistant Manager Planning and Quality Improvement Dr. Kalpa Jayathilaka, giving a further insight into the screenings and detections offered, said: “Our clinic is equipped with a cutting-edge technology mammogram which is the only mammogram in Sri Lanka that allows the patient to control the pressure exerted on their breast according to their level of comfort and ease. Whilst providing crystal clear 3D imaging, using an advanced form of digital x-ray mammogram, it can detect even the smallest lesions that appear cancerous.”

“Further, at the clinic, the onset is done within a day from the physical examination to the ultrasound and mammogram. As a hospital brand that values offering optimal service to its discerning customers, the clinic is aimed at providing women with the best services available in the country. Moreover, the special unit conducts all medical examinations pertaining to breast related requirements, complications, breast cancer and offers same day service with immediate issuance of reports, where required.”

“Ninewells is driven by their desire to contribute to ensuring that women of all ages can remain an active part of society and enjoy the great opportunities in life. Their mission is to protect the lives of women and to bring about a world where breast cancer does not deprive women of the life, choices, or chances they had before being diagnosed,” stated Dr. Dissanayake.