South Korea donates COVID-19 test kits to Sri Lanka to mark 43 years of diplomatic ties

Saturday, 12 December 2020 00:10 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

South Korea, also known as the Republic of Korea, donated COVID-19 test kits to Sri Lanka to mark the 43rd Anniversary of the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Sri Lanka. 

This event was held at the Foreign Ministry in Colombo on 8 December, organised by the Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Colombo. The Ceremony was attended by Foreign Minister Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, State Minister of Regional Cooperation Hon. Tharaka Balasuriya, Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage and Ambassador of the Republic of Korea His Excellency Santhush Woonjin Jeong.

Delivering the welcoming remarks, East Asia Director General Rohana Ambagolla stated that the donation of PCR test kits reflects the unwavering commitment of the Republic of Korea to take our bilateral relations to new heights. He emphasised that South Korea is a key partner to Sri Lanka, especially in the economic sphere and recognised the immense contribution of Ambassador Jeong for the betterment of the communities in Sri Lanka.

The Government of the Republic of Korea donated COVID-19 Diagnostic Kits amounting to the sum of $ 300,000 to contain and control COVID-19. The Government of the Republic of Korea deployed these test kits as a gesture of diplomatic goodwill to deter the spread of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka. The PCR testing kits were officially handed over by Ambassador Jeong to the Foreign Minister at the ceremony.

The Foreign Minister Hon. Dinesh Gunewardena expressed his pleasure to host this event in the Foreign Ministry to mark the 43rd Anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Sri Lanka. He also reflected on the bedrock of cultural and traditional links upon which the two countries have developed a deep mutual understanding, trust and cordial friendship today. He stated that South Korea is one of the leading economic partners of Sri Lanka, and the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has immensely contributed in the socioeconomic development in key sectors of Sri Lanka. 

The Foreign Minister thanked South Korea for donating PCR test kits to Sri Lanka to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“This gesture of goodwill will be undoubtedly remembered and valued by the people of Sri Lanka. Korea and Sri Lanka have shared deep rooted and friendly relations over the decades, and I hope that Korea will walk with us closely in this challenging but rewarding journey of nation-building in Sri Lanka,” he said.

He also commended Korea’s efficient mechanism to contain the spread of COVID-19. 

Ambassador Jeong stated that since his arrival in Sri Lanka last July, many aspects of the country have brought him happiness. He expressed his happiness in the excellent diplomatic ties between the two countries. 

He noted that a new era has dawned upon Sri Lanka, and South Korea can assist Sri Lanka to revitalise its economy and realise the vision of ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour’.

“I have observed the positive development since I arrived here in Sri Lanka. I can say that it is the right time for Sri Lanka to change and take a leap to a higher level. I believe that Korea is the very country that can help Sri Lanka achieve the ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour’. Korea and Sri Lanka share a lot of similarities in history. Korea and Sri Lanka survived, overcame all difficulties and developed ourselves,” he said.

He also expressed his thankfulness to the anti-COVID taskforce.

“I acknowledge with gratitude the contribution and courageous measures taken by the authorities in Sri Lanka that have enabled to curtail the spread of COVID-19 in the island,” he continued. 

The Ambassador assured to extend the fullest support to the Government of Sri Lanka, especially in coordinating the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and assist in issues related to economic recovery. He mentioned that the unwavering cooperation in these tough times is symbolic of the true friendship between our two countries.

Under the ‘Stay Strong’ campaign, South Korea and Sri Lanka have been strengthening Anti-COVID collaboration with each other. The South Korean Embassy in Sri Lanka has shown its thankfulness by donating re-usable fabric masks to the Sri Lanka Army and Police who have dedicated themselves to protecting people in Sri Lanka, including South Korean residents amid COVID-19. 

Ambassador Santhush Woonjin Jeong expressed his commitment to strengthen the public health cooperation in the following year as well. He stated that: “Korea and Sri Lanka have been true friends to each other and I would really like to carry happiness (Santhush) to Sri Lanka”.