Superheroes galore at ‘Little Heroes’ art competition by LB Finance

Saturday, 24 October 2020 00:10 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A believer in the true magic of childhood, LB Finance celebrated Children’s Day this year with ‘Little Heroes,’ an art competition with a difference. 

Launched on a digital platform, the competition stipulated that the children must first unravel a crossword puzzle of a superhero character on the LB Finance FB page. The four superhero names on the puzzle were Sonic the Hedgehog, Spiderman, Batman, and Iron Man. The children then had to draw their preferred superhero and inbox both picture and the puzzle to LB Finance. 

The competition was held for two age categories: four to 10 and 10 to 16. It drew a large number of applications from children and the first category of age four to 10 has been adjudged. The winners received their gifts from the staff of LB Finance, who went to each home to give the children their gifts. The staff wished to do this because they believe that Children’s Day should be special and that it should be shared to make the children happier. The second category of ages 10 to 16 is currently ongoing. 

This initiative was carried out under the Future 1st CSR project by LB Finance. Future 1st aims to develop the intellect of the child as well as give them a life-long love of learning. Future 1st was created because LB Finance believes that children must be encouraged to do more than just studies and that they should be encouraged to develop their talents, whatever the field may be. 

Over the years, the project has carried out many unique initiatives to build on this vision of a well-rounded child. Whether it is singing, dancing, drawing, or technological advancement, children need to know they can go far and that their futures are bright when they give time to their dreams and passions as well as their studies. LB Finance hopes that these initiatives will help raise critical and analytical adults who will contribute to the society they are in. 

Much like their heroes, it is important for little heroes to have large goals. They must be able to take on the world. The Little Heroes savings account by LB Finance is a great account for little savers. With high interest rates, the account will help children save for their own futures. It will help teach them the value of saving and planning, and it is the best gift a parent can give their child. Invest in the child’s value and their future with a Little Heroes savings account from LB Finance, which remains committed to helping children make the best of their lives. 

LB Finance PLC is licensed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka under the Finance Business Act No. 42 of 2011 and listed on the Main Board of the Colombo Stock Exchange. LB Finance has an A- (lka) rating from Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd. with a stable outlook. The company offers a variety of financial services including leasing, factoring, hire purchasing, micro finance, mortgage loans, housing loans, education loans, gold loans, currency exchange and Western Union Money Transfer services through an island-wide branch network and Gold Loan Centres, offering unparalleled convenience to all customers.