Blood donation campaign at Nithyakalyani Jewellery

Saturday, 19 November 2016 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}



Wellawatte Nithyakalyani Jewellery, a pioneer in the gem and jewellery industry in Sri Lanka, held a blood donation campaign at its premises recently. The blood donation campaign organised for the third consecutive year witnessed participation from Nithyakalyani staff, customers and the public. The staff from the blood bank and Wellawatte police also extended their fullest support for this cause.

“We are happy to have organised the blood donation campaign for the third year in a row and hope to make this an annual event. It’s always wonderful to be able to be part of such events that make a difference to someone in need,” stated Wellawatte Nithyakalyani Jewellery CEO A.P. Jayarajah, whilst thanking all those who made this event a success.