Chartered Institute of Marketing Sri Lanka student committee builds hope through ‘SMILE’

Saturday, 19 November 2016 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}



The student committee of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Sri Lanka 2016 paved their way on the journey of SMILE, with the spirit of caring and building hope in the lives of the underprivileged. ‘Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something’; with this motive the committee headed over to the Ketewela Kanishta Vidyalaya located in Kurunegela to fulfil the needs of those children who dreamt of a future. ‘SMILE’ reached its ultimate success on 29 October, when a 19-member squad touched the hearts of the pupils with their epic generosity. 

The committee donated wall paint and basic necessities for day to day activities of the school and also painted 50 desks and chairs to enhance the appearance of the classrooms. The team entertained the children by getting them actively involved in fun filled activities and also shared practical marketing knowledge and insights which will benefit them in future. The gathering was addressed by the Chairpersons Avanthi Perera and Ashane Wadasinghe, followed by a speech by G.S. Sylverster, CIM Senior Lecturer/Advisor to the Student Committee, inspiring the innocent lives with hope and belief for their future goals.

Avanthi Perera and Ashane Wadasinghe shared their views on the journey of ‘SMILE’: “Witnessing yet another successful event on the card, this social initiative has been one memorable event for the team and the children of Ketewela Kanishta Vidyalaya. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee members and the CIM family as a whole for giving out their heart and soul for making this journey a success. A huge thank you to all the sponsors and every single contributor of SMILE, this journey would have been impossible without your support. SMILE for a change.”

The President of the Student Committee of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Malithi Herath said, “It was overall a splendid job by the team and the two chairpersons Avanthi Perera and Ashane Wadasinghe for making this journey of ‘SMILE’ a success. This was only the first phase of ‘SMILE’; we intend to grow this initiative to something even more sustainable and value adding in the years to come, we will continue through ‘SMILE’ to promote education and to help the underprivileged to make education their priority.”