Fashion Bug receives presidential recognition

Saturday, 15 October 2016 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

untitled-10President Maithripala Sirisena presenting the award to Fashion Bug Director Shabier Subian and Deputy General Manager Dr. S.H.M. Faraaz


Fashion Bug was honoured for its social service activities rendered to society as a part of its CSR initiatives at a ceremony held at President’s Office on 4 October, with an appreciation award for its service to ‘build a better tomorrow’. 

The award was presented by President Maithripala Sirisena at a ceremony organised by the Consumer Action Network Mental Health Lanka (CANMH Lanka) to mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October.

The President thanked Fashion Bug for its efforts to uplift the living standards of the needy and the marginalised in society.

Fashion Bug Director Shabier Subain said: “This award will definitely boost our morale to double our efforts towards the upliftment of society.”

“We thank all our customers, suppliers and staff who have been with us for the last 22 years and have helped us reach a pinnacle in our CSR endeavours,” added Deputy General Manager Dr. S.H.M. Faraaz.