Housing grants for 64 beneficiaries in Matara

Saturday, 29 October 2016 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Text and pix by P.D. De Silva untitled-3

Sixty four persons living in the Matara district received housing grants of Rs. 50,000 each from the Southern Province Ministry of Housing as part of its World Habitat Day celebration program this year. World Habitat Day is celebrated on the first Monday of the month of October to raise awareness about the need for affordable housing for all in urban areas, towns and cities. It is believed that over 25% of the world’s urban population still live in shanties and informal settlements.

Provincial Minister of Housing in the Southern Province Weerasumana Weerasinghe handing over the cheques at a ceremony held at the auditorium of the Divisional Secretariat in Matara said, “The money you are receiving today is not our personal funds. The money belongs to every citizen of this land and we expect you to use it to build yourself a house as every person on earth should have shelter. You have been selected to receive this grant solely on the recommendations made by our field officers and approved by their superiors and this was irrespective of your political affiliation.” 

Divisional Secretary Matara Ranjith Yapa, Commissioner for Housing of the Southern Province NilukaSuriyarachchi and government officials were present.