Rhino Roofing Products donates Chrysotile Cement Roofing sheets to victims of gale-force winds in Mo

Saturday, 12 November 2016 01:13 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Rhino Roofing Products Ltd. recently engaged in various Corporate Social Responsibility projects through its CSR Unit. The donation of Chrysotile Cement Roofing Sheets to victims of the gale-force winds in the Moratuwa area was a significant event in these series of projects.

The distribution of these Chrysotile Cement Roofing Sheets under the total sponsorship of Rhino Roofing Products Ltd. took place in Moratuwa on 29 October at the request of the Deputy Minister of Public Enterprise Development Eran Wickremaratne and the Chief Trustee of the Tyronne Fernando Foundation Tehani Matthew who were present at the occasion. The event was graced by Rhino Roofing Products Director Jude Fernando, who was invited as the Chief Guest. Around 650 Chrysotile Cement Roofing Sheets worth over Rs. 1.5 million were distributed free of charge to 60 families who were affected by the gale-force winds in Moratuwa.


Speaking at the occasion Eran Wickremaratne appreciated this act of social service extended to the people of his area. He also said that Rhino Roofing Products has won fame as an institution that takes the lead in providing relief to victims of any natural disaster.

Group Marketing Manager of Rhino Roofing Products Ltd. and coordinator of this project Priyantha Jayasinghe also participated in this event. Addressing those present Jayasinghe said, “Around 50% of houses in this country have been covered with Chrysotile Cement Roofing Sheets. The fact that 55% of them have used Rhino Chrysotile Cement Roofing Sheets is the best example of our popularity. Our company is not one that expects only profits. We utilise a percentage of our annual income to uplift the living conditions of the people of this country. We have chosen various thematic areas such as health, education and disaster management for these social service projects. Following the tsunami, our company built 50 houses for tsunami victims at the cost of Rs. 45 million.

“Additionally, the company has constructed IT Laboratories in ten schools at the cost of Rs. 40 million. Our company was the first to offer assistance to the people affected by the land slide in the Aranayake area where we built 20 houses for affected families at the cost of Rs. 45 million. We utilise the money received from the public who purchase our roofing sheets to give back benefits to them.”

Several other dignitaries including Dulanjalee Premadasa Jayakody, daughter of the late President Ranasinghe Premadasa; Shamara Herath, daughter of former minister Harold Herath; former mayors of Moratuwa and several members of provincial councils and pradeshiya sabhas were also present at the ceremony.