Richmond College’s Gusto OBA holds 23rd Annual Get-Together and Dinner Dance

Saturday, 29 October 2016 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Gusto, the Old Boys Group of 1980-90 of Richmond College, Galle will be holding its 23rd Annual Get-Together and Dinner Dance on Saturday 29 October at Hotel Ramada. Old boys can look forward to a night of delectable cuisine and great entertainment courtesy of the band C&C.

Gusto, one of the most active old boys groups of the Richmond College 80-90 Group (Colombo Chapter) has been involved in several projects for the benefit of the school, under President Prasad Abeysundara.

During the past year, the Group sponsored the teachers AGM, are the annual sponsors of the badminton team including donating the required equipment, helped develop cricket at the school, gifted 40 new blazers to the school, gifted players kits for the rugby team and hosted them to a dinner and have donated roofing sheets and completed all electrical wiring to the new building being constructed in honour of former school principal B. Sooriyaarachhci.

For the upcoming year, the Group plans to donate a cricket bowling machine to the school, will continue to sponsor badminton and will also sponsor the Past Teachers Association.