Rebuilding ethics and values in Sri Lanka

Friday, 15 February 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


The well-known composer and singer Rukshan Perera is leading a project at the Rotary Club of Colombo

Rukshan Perera

Metropolitan aptly named, “Little Minds Strong Values” to re-introduce morals, values and ethics in children through video-animated songs, and to build the foundation for a society of good-mannered, civic-minded, decent people in Sri Lanka. 

After conceptualising this project a year ago, Rukshan composed and directed 29 Sinhala and Tamil songs, with the support of well-wishers. Cleverly crafted video animations with children’s voices is bound to attract children, while the values embedded in the lyrics will be inculcated in children every time they hear or sing the songs.

The Rotary team is currently preparing for the launch of this project in February 2019, and thereafter to distribute 5000 DVDs and pen drives free of charge to schools throughout the country. This would be Phase 1 of the project.  In addition, the songs will be published on YouTube, not only for locals, but also for Sri Lankan children living overseas.  An important aspect of the project is to create awareness and have these songs played regularly on TV and radio, thereby stimulating the young minds to adopt ethics and values as a way of life. The team is looking for partners to support this much-needed cause.

To make it sustainable, an island-wide Annual Ethics and Values Competition will be held with attractive awards for the winners.  This is a long-term sustainable project, attempting to reverse the distressing decline in values and ethical standards. Rukshan and the Rotary Club of Colombo Metropolitan are thankful for the sponsors and donors here and overseas, who are continuing to raise funds for this unique project for Sri Lanka’s future.